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first one中文翻译,first one是什么意思,first one发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

first one中文翻译,first one是什么意思,first one发音、用法及例句

first one

first one发音

英:  美:

first one中文意思翻译



first one双语使用场景

1、But if a revelation to another person sitting there, the first one be silent.───若在坐的有一位得了启示, 那先说话的,就不应该再发言.

2、The first one left me and the second one didn't.───前面的那个扔下了我.

3、He is often the first one to start a fight.───常常首先挑起争斗.

4、It is the first one founded South Zhejiang Iron Works.───它是浙南地区创办最早的一家铁工厂.

5、Generally that means the first one to two months.───一般说来,这是初期的一到两个月.

6、She turned first one way , then the other , looking at herself in the bureau mirror.───她在镜台前转过来又转过去打量自己.

7、First one identifies oneself and then asks for the person with whom one wishes to speak.───首先得表明自己的身份,然后再要求和想通话的人通话.

8、I've seen most of his movies. Only a few are as good as his first one.───他的**多数我都看过。只有少数几部能与他的第一部媲美。

9、As you see in the diagram below, the first one usually starts from the left.───正如您在下面的图表中看到,第一个通常从左边开始。

10、First one or two and then a multitude of cities.───刚开始一两个,接下去则有许许多多城市.

11、Twilight deepened, first one, then another star appeared.───暮色加深了, 先出来一颗星星, 接着又出来一颗星星.

12、The first one to get one hundred points wins.───首先达到一百分的人赢.

13、Wanting to walk through one road, first one should pave the road.───想走完这一条路, 首先先为自己铺好路.

14、You are the first one I believe.───你是我最相信的人.

15、He was the first one to top the mountain peak.───他是第一个登上山顶的人。

16、The flute is the first one woodwind instrument.───长笛是最早产生的木管乐器之一.

17、Now let's check answers together . The first one.───学生读完文章后, 一起核对答案.

18、The application scale of digester is the first one in the world.───目前我国户用沼气推广应用的规模上居国际首位.

first one相似词语短语

1、first off───开始时

2、first ever───首次

3、fast one───黄色笑话;诡计;骗局

4、first born───adj.头生的;最长的;n.长子;长女

5、first hand───第一手的;直接的

6、first form───第一范式

7、first base───n.一垒的位置


9、first down───第一次进攻


1) one: 一、一个,表示数量,例如:one day 一天2) first: 第一,表示数量的序数词,前面要加定冠词the, 例如:the first day 第一天3) ones: 任何人的。

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