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the ordinary中文翻译,the ordinary是什么意思,the ordinary发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

the ordinary中文翻译,the ordinary是什么意思,the ordinary发音、用法及例句

the ordinary

the ordinary发音

英:  美:

the ordinary中文意思翻译



the ordinary双语使用场景

1、The end of FC drives might seem like a very ordinary technology transition, but something very out of the ordinary is occurring.───FC驱动器的结束看上去就像是普通的技术过渡,但其实发生了一些不平常的事情。

2、I stepped into the bedroom and looked around, but there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.───我走进卧室,朝四下里张望,没看见有什么异常。

3、Shopping becomes a major problem, and for anything slightly out of the ordinary you have to go on an expedition to the nearest large town.───购物成了大问题,要想买到任何一种稍不寻常的东西,你就得赶远路到最临近的市镇去。

4、The heroine of this drama is one of four senior law firm partners, they all out of the ordinary skill and has been designed.───本剧的主人公是一所高级律师事务所的四位合伙人,他们个个身手不凡、各有所专。

5、The ordinary laws of chemistry permit a scientist to make calculations of their reactions as if the planet were a large flask of matter.───懂得了化学反应的一般规则,科学家就可以将星球当作一个大烧瓶里的物质来对它们的复杂反应作计算。

6、I do not choose one of the ordinary people. If I can do that, I have the right to become an extraordinary person.───我是不会选择做一个普通人的,如果我能做到的话,我有权成为一位不寻常的人。

7、Take into consideration that more and more people can afford robots, and the time seems ripe to introduce robots to the ordinary family.───考虑到越来越多的人买得起机器人,把机器人介绍给普通家庭的时机似乎已经成熟了。

8、Tickets seem unobtainable to the ordinary mortal.───票对于普通大众来说似乎是得不到的。

9、The book just tells you the ordinary event which is really trickery.───这本书只是告诉你,看似普通的事件实则是个奸计。

the ordinary相似词语短语

1、the Tertiary───第三纪

2、the Virgin Mary───圣母玛利亚


4、in ordinary───(职务等)常任的;(待修的船只等)闲搁着的




the ordinary有几个版本?


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