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get of(got of中文翻译,got of是什么意思,got of发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

get of(got of中文翻译,got of是什么意思,got of发音、用法及例句)

got of

got of发音

英:  美:

got of中文意思翻译



got of双语使用场景

1、So you've actually worried out how much money is wasted worldwide by this habit that we've all got of present-giving.───所以实际上你在担心全世界的人都习惯馈赠礼物的话将会浪费多少钱。

2、The glimpse I got of the Chinese educational system reveals both its strengths and its weaknesses.───根据观察,我了解到中国教育体系存在两的优势和劣势。

3、disease as soon as he got of the train in Guangzhou.───他一下火车就染上了广州的地方病。

4、The train went round the bend and soon got of sight.───火车转过弯道很快就看不见了。

5、What kind of chance we got of that now?───我们现在还有什么机会?。

6、He's got lots of talent.───他有许多天赋。

7、The expression on his face suggested that he had got of the work here.───他脸上厌烦的表情表明他已经对在此工作感到厌倦了。

8、She's got loads of friends.───她有很多朋友。

9、I've got masses of work to do.───我有一大堆的工作要做。

got of相似词语短语

1、got at───了解,得到

2、get off───v.动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等)

3、sort of───有几分地;到某种程度;稍稍

4、got in───进入

5、go out of───从…出来,离开

6、got out───取出;熄灭;外出

7、got on───进步

8、got by───通过

9、got off───下车



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