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one of kind中文翻译,one of kind是什么意思,one of kind发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

one of kind中文翻译,one of kind是什么意思,one of kind发音、用法及例句

one of kind

one of kind发音

英:  美:

one of kind中文意思翻译



one of kind双语使用场景

1、The locoweed is one of kind poisonous plants that endangers the husbandry seriously in the world, and causes enormous economic losses.───疯草已经成为危害我国草原畜牧业最严重的有毒植物之一,每年都造成了巨大的经济损失。

2、Traditional opera is that our country one of kind having effect in tradition music.───戏曲是我国传统音乐中有影响的种类之一。

3、The shift, to his mind, is one of kind, not just of degree.───在他看来,这个转变不仅仅是量变,更是质变。

4、That's just one example of the kind of experiments you can do.───这只是你所能做的实验中的一个例子。

5、That's not the kind of talk one usually hears from accountants.───那不是人们通常从会计人员那里听到的那种话。

6、Bottled at the Source. . . . Natural mineral waters from Italy. . . . One of kind───直接来自水源….来自意大利天然矿泉水……..独一无二的产品

7、dependence between pollutants , so long as the flow capacity and concentration of one of kind of pollutants can be . . .───通过污染物相关关系,只要测出流量和一种污染物浓度,就可推算出相关污染物排放浓度。

one of kind相似词语短语

1、bag of wind───夸夸其谈的人

2、four of a kind───四张相同的牌

3、of a kind───蹩脚的;同一类的


5、zone of fire───射击目标区;射击地带

6、next of kin───最近的血亲,最亲的亲戚

7、one of a kind───独一无二

8、one on one───一对一

9、King of kings───万王之王(耶稣基督);上帝


one of a kind 英[wʌn ɔv ə kaind] 美[wʌn ʌv e kaɪnd] [词典] Kind这个字有很多解释; 在这里; 它的意思是:一个类别。任何人要是成为one of a kind那就等于是:只此一家; 那当然就很特殊; [例句]She's a very unusual woman, one of a kind.她是个非常与众不同的女人,是独一无二的。

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