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boyfriend jeans中文翻译,boyfriend jeans是什么意思,boyfriend jeans发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

boyfriend jeans中文翻译,boyfriend jeans是什么意思,boyfriend jeans发音、用法及例句

boyfriend jeans

boyfriend jeans发音

英:  美:

boyfriend jeans中文意思翻译



boyfriend jeans双语使用场景

1、Try a little black dress with glitzy sandals, rolled up boyfriend jeans with funky wedges or create your own over-the-top ensemble.───试试黑色的裙子再配上闪闪发光的凉鞋,或穿上你男朋友长长的牛仔裤,卷起的裤脚加上那稀奇古怪的坡跟鞋,开创属于你自己的搭配。

2、Boyfriend jeans have a fairly slouchy fit atthe hips and are loose but slightly more fitted on the legs. For a relaxed look, these are the idealoption, according to thetrendspotter. net.───阔腿牛仔裤为臀部带来更加慵懒的契合感,而略微宽松的裤腿反而显得更合适。

3、the boyfriend jeans, then the boyfriend blazer, and now the boyfriend coat-nonchalant and slightly too wide, as if you had stolen it out of your boyfriend's closet.───的男友款牛仔裤,还是男友款外套,抑或现在的男友款大衣——都彰显出随意且大一号的风情,就好像是你从男友的衣橱里偷来的一样。

boyfriend jeans相似词语短语


2、faded jeans───褪色牛仔裤

3、baked beans───(加番茄酱等制的)烘豆

4、be friends───成为朋友

5、refried beans───炸豆泥



mom jeans和boyfriend jeans的区别?

mom jeans是高腰宽松。

boyfriend jeans是低腰宽松。后者比前者更宽松一点。但后者更挑人。容易穿出55分的身材感。

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