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a quiet place中文翻译,a quiet place是什么意思,a quiet place发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

a quiet place中文翻译,a quiet place是什么意思,a quiet place发音、用法及例句

a quiet place

a quiet place发音

英:  美:

a quiet place中文意思翻译



a quiet place双语使用场景

1、Sit down in a quiet place, open it, and deal with your work worries.───在一个安静的地方坐下,打开它,处理你工作上的忧虑。

2、She was clearly happy to get an enviable offer from the Bank of China in her hometown, Shangzhou, a quiet place in Shaanxi province.───因此,当她得到家乡陕西省商州一个中国银行分行的工作时,她的开心溢于言表。家乡是个远离喧嚣的地方。

3、An old saying goes: "Out of sight, out of mind" . Go and find a quiet place to relax for a few days.───不是有句老话嘛:“眼不见,心不烦”。去找个安静的地方放松几天。

4、Not for a while, I went to the northeast part of this Mosuqe. I found a quiet place against the sun.───不一会呢,我就跑到清真寺的东北方去了,那是顶着烈日的一片小宁静。

5、It happens when I am sitting in a quiet place or walking alone in such a place or sometimes when my soul is ready to take photos.───它发生,当我在一个寂静空间坐或在这样地方单独走或有时,当我的灵魂准备采取照片时。

6、A bhiksu may be living in a quiet place, but all his sense-organs are not proper [controlled], his mind is dark and slow at working.───一个比丘应住在寂静之地,但是他的感觉并不对(控制的),他的心灵是黑暗的并且工作的很慢。

7、The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place off the main road.───威尔旅馆坐落在远离主干道的一个安静的地方。

8、Several times during your workday find a quiet place. It may be at your desk, or if it is not quiet enough there, it can be at the bathroom, an empty room or some other quiet spot.───几次空在你的工作日里找一个安静的地方,可以是你办公的地方,如果那里还是不够安静的话,洗手间也可以,或者一个空旷的空间或者其他安静的场所。

9、Really? Let me have a touch. I never expect such a quiet place in the downtown.───真的吗?我也来摸摸。想不到广州市中心有这么清静的地方,真舒服。

a quiet place相似词语短语

1、house place───居所

2、another place───另一个地方

3、another places───另一个地方

4、watering place───矿泉疗养地;饮水池

5、market place───[贸易]市场;[贸易]商业中心地

6、carrying place───搬运地点

7、assisted place───受助学位,受助学额

8、favourite place───最喜欢的地方

9、fall into place───依序排列;逐渐被理解

I would like to buy a house—modern,comfortable,and _______ in a quiet place. A.first of a


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