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洗衣机英语(washing machine中文翻译,washing machine是什么意思,washing machine发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

洗衣机英语(washing machine中文翻译,washing machine是什么意思,washing machine发音、用法及例句)

1、washing machine

washing machine发音

英:  美:

washing machine中文意思翻译



washing machine双语使用场景

1、She puts her clothes in her families clumsy washing machine.───她把衣服放到家里那个笨头笨脑的洗衣机里.

2、The washing machine agitates the clothes.───洗衣机搅动衣服.

3、John broke down the washing machine.───约翰拆开了洗衣机.

4、Main products: washing machine, grinding series of bilateral small, sucker hanging folder, laminated glass production lines.───公司主要产品: 清洗机系列 、 小双边磨系列 、 吸盘吊夹 、 夹层玻璃生产线等.

5、She will be willing to lay out 2000 dollars for a washing machine.───她乐意花2000美元买一台洗衣机.

6、He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.───他可以再学学使用吸尘器、洗衣机和其他家用电器。

7、The experiments and running verified that the requirements of the glasses washing machine can be satisfied.───通过电气控制系统的调试和运行,验证了本文所设计的电气控制系统能满足清洗机的工作要求.

8、When the washing machine spurts out water at least we can mop it up.───洗衣机溅出水时,我们至少可以把水擦掉。

9、Read the label before you throw the jumper in the washing machine.───把外套扔进洗衣机之前先看一看标签.

10、When the washing machine spurts out water at least we can mop it up.───洗衣机冒出水来时,我们至少可以把水擦干。

11、Could you tell me how to operate this washing machine?───请问怎么操作这台洗衣机?

12、That old washing machine has kicked off again.───那台破旧的洗衣机又不转了.

13、This washing machine was guaranteed from mechanical failure — I demand a new one!───这台洗衣机出售时曾担保过不出机械性故障——我要换一台新的.

14、luxury if you had a washing machine in those days.───那时候有洗衣机就算是奢侈了。

15、The washing machine seems to have broken down again.───洗衣机好像又坏了.

16、Our washing machine broke down yesterday and flooded the kitchen.───昨天我们的洗衣机坏了,厨房里都是水.

17、I put another load in the washing machine.───我把另一堆衣服放进洗衣机。

18、The washing machine needs to be serviced.───洗衣机该维护了.

19、This smart washing machine will dispense an optimal amount of water for the load.───这台智能洗衣机会根据衣物多少适当安排进水量。

20、B : No, it's impossible. If only I had a dishwasher and washing machine!───不, 不可能的. 要是我有一台洗碗机和洗衣机就好了.

21、A customer took a perfectly serviceable washing machine in for repair, only to be told it needed replacing.───一位顾客带着一台性能尚好的洗衣机来修,不料竟被告知该换洗衣机了。

22、We need a washing machine. The old one doesn't work.───我们需要一台洗衣机. 旧洗衣机坏了.

23、She explained the controls of the washing machine.───她解释了这台洗衣机的控制系统.

24、He had a washing machine plumbed in.───他已把洗衣机的各种管子都接好了。

25、A washing machine is run by a small electric motor.───洗衣机由一台小电动机驱动.

26、The washing machine has two serious disadvantages.───这台洗衣机有两个严重缺陷.

27、Her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.───她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。

washing machine相似词语短语


2、teaching machine───n.教学机器

3、weighing machine───称量器

4、adding machine───加法机;算术计算机

5、bathing machines───洗浴机

6、faxing machine───传真机

7、bathing machine───更衣车,游泳更衣车

8、baling machine───包装机;打包机;捡拾压捆机

9、washing machines───洗衣机(washingmachine的复数)


洗衣机:1.washing machine2. washer3.washin machin


洗衣机Washing Machine

洗衣机厂Washing Machine Factory

双桶洗衣机twin-tub washer



The washing machine agitates the clothes.


Throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine.


They diddled with the washing machine, but it still wouldn't work.

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