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shipping line中文翻译,shipping line是什么意思,shipping line发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

shipping line中文翻译,shipping line是什么意思,shipping line发音、用法及例句

shipping line

shipping line发音

英:  美:

shipping line中文意思翻译



[经] 航运公司

shipping line双语使用场景

1、The shipping line lost considerably by it.───那家航运公司为此而赔了不少钱.

2、A shipping company is a privately owned shipping line, founded in Switzerland in 1970.───航运公司成立于1970年注册于瑞士,是一家全私营的航运公司.

3、The Cunard shipping line came up with a clever slogan: "Getting there is half the fun..."───冠达海运公司想出了一个聪明的口号:“一半的乐趣来自于到达目的地…”

4、CSCL Container Lines or'China Shipping'> is a container shipping line.───中海集装箱运输公司或 ’ 中海 ’ >是集装箱航运公司.

5、At last, it brings forth the suggestions to the running China - Japan container shipping line.───最后对大连中货经营中日集装箱航线提出了经营策略建议.

6、The exporters have the right to inspect the export goods before delivery to the shipping line。───出口商在向船运公司托运前有权检验商品。

7、After she jacked in the teaching, Jane got herself a job with a shipping line.───辞去教书工作之后,简在一家航运公司找了份差事。

8、The exporters hxdye the right to inspect the export goods before delivery to the shipping line.───出口商在向船运公司托运前有权检验商品.

9、He works for a shipping line.───他在海运公司做事.

10、Additional port will increase the opportunities for additional shipping line calls.───其他港口将增加额外的运输线通话的机会。

11、The Foreign Office offered to pay the shipping line all the costs of diverting the ship to Bermuda.───外交部愿意向海运公司支付将该船改道至百慕大的一切费用。

shipping line相似词语短语

1、chipping in───捐助;插嘴;下赌注

2、spring line───拱脚线;倒缆;[船]斜系船缆

3、shipping lines───航线;航运公司

4、shipping lane───大洋航线

5、shipping lanes───航道

6、shipping ton───装载吨,船舶载重吨(每40立方尺为一吨)

7、shopping list───[贸易]购物单

8、whipping in───驱赶;用鞭子把…往里赶

9、shipping tons───运输吨


PIL是 太平船务

TSL是 马士基

NCL是 挪威邮轮


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