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crisis management中文翻译,crisis management是什么意思,crisis management发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

crisis management中文翻译,crisis management是什么意思,crisis management发音、用法及例句

crisis management

crisis management发音

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crisis management中文意思翻译



crisis management双语使用场景

1、The key reason is the crisis management information communication is not unimpeded.───究其原因,危机管理信息沟通不畅才是关键所在.

2、The third issue is crisis management and resolution.───第三个问题是危机管理和解决.

3、While China's crisis management has succeeded in reviving growth, its achievements in structural adjustment are mixed.───尽管中国的危机管理成功地实现了经济复苏, 但在结构性调整方面的成就仍喜忧参半.

4、Ahtisaari founded the Crisis Management Initiative in 2000.───阿赫蒂萨里在2000年创建了“危机管理倡议”组织。

5、Urgency, danger, authoritativeness, human itarianism and systematicness are the five basic characteristics of public crisis management.───公共危机管理具有紧迫性 、 危险性 、 权威性 、 人本性和系统性五个基本特征.

6、This makes the mass media in international crisis management plays an important status.───这就使得大众传媒在国际危机管理中占有重要的地位.

7、Finally, an example of the Road Traffic Crisis Management System of Guangzhou adduced.───最后, 以广州市道路交通危机管理体系为例.

8、In the crisis management the characteristics of village society should be noticed.───应对农村危机,必须因地制宜.

9、The term crisis management appeared not long ago but it is used more and more frequently.───危机管理一词不久前出现,但它是应用越来越频繁.

10、The politics of Sweden's crisis management were similarly tough - minded, though much quieter.───瑞典的危机管理在政治方面同样棘手, 虽然相比之下要安静得多.

11、In this sense, good crisis management also contributes to crisis prevention.───从这个意义上讲, 良好的危机管理也有助于预防危机.

12、Strengthen crisis management and reserve management for China's industrial safety.───加强我国产业安全危机的事发和事后管理.

13、The public crisis management of our country already got a lot of achievement.───我国的公共危机管理取得了许多成绩.

14、Crisis management of coal industry is usually characterized as being urgent, flexible and preventative.───煤炭行业危机管理有紧迫性 、 灵活性和预防性等特点.

15、Last year economic crisis management failed at all levels.───去年,经济风险管理在各个层面都遭遇了失败.

16、Today's NSC is overcome by day-to-day crisis management.───如今,美国国家半导体公司正每天穷于应付危机。

17、The basic contents and process of implementing crisis management also dealt with.───本文提出了民营科技型企业实施危机管理的基本工作内容和程序.

18、s Johnson & Johnson's swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management.───年代,由于一些药盒内掺入了有毒物质,强生迅速召回泰诺胶囊,这曾使它成为危机管理的楷模。

crisis management相似词语短语

1、change management───变革管理;变更管理

2、risk managements───风险管理

3、file management───[计]文件管理

4、risk management───风险管理

5、crisis manager───危机管理者

6、line management───部门经济管理;各级负责管理


8、asset management───资产管理

9、crisis managements───危机管理,处理危急的办法




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