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inplay(in play中文翻译,in play是什么意思,in play发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

inplay(in play中文翻译,in play是什么意思,in play发音、用法及例句)

in play

in play发音

英:  美:

in play中文意思翻译


开玩笑地; 打趣地; 处于比赛状态; 赌博


in play双语使用场景

1、The children are expressing themselves in play.───孩子们在用游戏表达他们的思想感情.

2、The remark was only made in play.───那话只是说着玩的.

3、Is he your equal in play chess?───他的棋艺跟你一样好 吗 ?

4、The cricket player positioned immediately behind the wicket in play.───守门员,捕手比赛中位置在三柱门之后的板球手.

5、Occasionally they slap the water with their tails or churn it up in play.───他们偶尔用尾巴拍打水面,或者搅着水玩儿。

6、Absorbed in play, Todd and Scott did not hear the train.───托德和斯科特正玩得起劲没听到火车的声音.

7、Days are spent in play and enjoyment from morn till night.───每天从早到晚都是在玩耍和享受中度过的。

8、He lost a lot of money in play.───他赌输了很多钱.

9、Much of the leisure time is used in play.───大部分的休闲时光都用于玩乐.

10、To use an armor in play, you exhaust it.───甲胄卡使用后被耗尽.

11、The football rolled towards the edge of the pitch, but he managed to keep it in play.───足球向草地边缘滚去, 他好不容易才把它没变成死球.

12、Children tumble over each other in play.───孩子们玩耍时相互连身翻滚.

13、I said it only in play; don't think that I was serious.───我这样说只是开玩笑罢了, 不要以为我当真.

14、Mighty forces are in play in the present round of negotiations.───在当前这轮谈判中,各种较大的势力都在起作用.

15、She just managed to keep the ball in play.───她把球勉强保持在界内。

16、A few are in play cards, another some of person is chatting.───一些人在打扑克, 另一些人在聊天.

17、I spent the remainder of the afternoon in play.───我把这一下午其余的时间用在游戏上了。

18、Substitutes replace main players during a break in play.───替补在暂停时替换场上主力.

in play相似词语短语


2、fair play───公平竞争;公平比赛;平等对待

3、in plenty───大量;充足


5、in place───适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置

6、in places───在某些地方;到处

7、to play───玩

结语:soccer they in play sunday the on park 用 这些 单词 连成 一句话,They play soccer in the park on Sunday 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,guibinplay是什么牌子,guibinplay是全球顶级奢侈品牌之一,同LV、Gucci、ARMANI、Versace 是同一级别的意大利奢侈品牌。guibinplay以天使图案蜚声国际的Piero Guidi。

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