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withdraw from中文翻译,withdraw from是什么意思,withdraw from发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

withdraw from中文翻译,withdraw from是什么意思,withdraw from发音、用法及例句

1、withdraw from

withdraw from发音

英:  美:

withdraw from中文意思翻译



(使)离开[退出]; 从…提取; 撤离; 退出

withdraw from双语使用场景

1、A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon.───背部受伤使她不得不退出温布尔登赛事。

2、He has decided to withdraw from the competition.───他已决定退出竞赛.

3、But unless you withdraw from Kuwait completely and without condition, you will lose more that Kuwait.───但是,除非你从科威特全面地、无条件地撤军, 否则,你就会不止是保不住科威特,还会损失得更多.

4、The smart money says that he's likely to withdraw from the leadership campaign.───据知情者说,他很可能退出领导人竞选。

5、The company has decided to withdraw from some of its sports sponsorship.───这家公司已决定撤销部分体育项目的赞助.

6、The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks.───非洲国民大会威胁要从会谈中退出。

7、Our forces have been withdraw from the danger area.───我们的部队已从危险地带撤出.

8、Dwight decided to withdraw from the committee and join up with the opposition.───德怀特决定退出该委员会并和反对派联手。

9、She'd half expected him to withdraw from the course.───她多少已经预料到他会中途就退出这门课程。

10、They demanded that the occupying troops withdraw from their land immediately.───他们要求占领军立刻撤离他们的领土.

11、He would withdraw from the affairs of state and finish out his life in Linz.───他将摆脱国务,终老于林茨.

12、She knew, and she also knew she should withdraw from competition.───她知道, 她也知道,自己应该退出比赛.

13、Tell the men to withdraw from their new position.───告诉那些士兵从他们的新阵地上撤退.

14、I will withdraw from the family of the student union!───我会退出学生会嘎大家庭!

15、At this point, Bertelsmann completely withdraw from book sales business in China.───至此, 贝塔斯曼全面退出在华图书销售业务.

16、He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election.───他告知他们自己要退出选举的决定.

17、Iraq must withdraw from Kuwait completely, immediately and without condition.───伊拉克必须完全 、 立即、无条件地撤出科威特.

18、You can make withdraw from the bank and the autotellers anytime you like.───你可以随时从银行或自动取款机取钱.

withdraw from相似词语短语

1、withdraw cash───取现;取钱

2、withdrawing rooms───退房

3、withdrawing room───退房

4、to draw from───汲取


6、withdrawal syndrome───戒断综合征

7、draw from───从…中得到;从…提取


"Drop out of" 的同义词有很多,根据上下文的不同,可能使用的同义词也会有所变化。以下是一些常见的同义词和短语,它们在某些情况下可以替换 "drop out of":

Withdraw from:这个短语通常用于学术或职业环境,表示某人决定退出课程、项目或组织。例如,"She withdrew from the college course due to personal reasons."(她因个人原因退出了大学课程。)

Quit:这个单词可以用于各种情况,表示某人决定停止参与某个活动或任务。例如,"He quit the sports team because he didn't have enough time to train."(他退出了运动队,因为他没有足够的时间训练。)

Leave (a school, course, etc.):这个短语表示某人决定离开学校、课程等。例如,"She left the university to pursue a different career path."(她离开了大学去追求不同的职业道路。)

Discontinue (a course, project, etc.):这个短语强调停止某个活动或任务的连续性。例如,"They discontinued the project due to lack of funding."(由于资金不足,他们中止了该项目。)

这些同义词和短语可以根据上下文的不同而有所变化,但都可以用来表达 "drop out of" 的概念。请注意,在某些情况下,这些同义词可能具有稍微不同的含义或用法,因此在使用时应根据具体语境进行选择。

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