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denstinon(continue on中文翻译,continue on是什么意思,continue on发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

denstinon(continue on中文翻译,continue on是什么意思,continue on发音、用法及例句)

continue on

continue on发音

英:  美:

continue on中文意思翻译



continue on双语使用场景

1、In a few moments the riders happily continue on their journey.───游客们欢快地继续着行程.

2、The stories are brief and almost never continue on another page.───它的报道简短,几乎绝对不会延伸到另一页上.

3、Both reports said those aboard were allowed to continue on their way.───这两个报导都说,飞机上的乘客都被准许继续他们的行程.

4、The trial is to continue on December twenty - first.───此案将于十二月二十一日继续审理.

5、Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield.───该处的钻探工作将继续下去,以便估测新油田的面积。

6、They continue on their way and meet with a farmer.───他们继续向前走,遇见了一位农夫.

7、You may continue on the other side of the paper.───可在纸的背面接著写.

8、He encouraged Yahya to continue on the course of " political accommodation ".───他鼓励叶海亚继续奉行 “ 政治和解 ” 方针.

9、Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield.───钻探还将继续在现场进行以估测新油田的大小。

10、A green light a traffic signal means your car can continue on.───交通信号中绿灯意味着你的汽车可以继续前进.

11、The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot.───暴风雨愈发猛烈,我最终不得不弃车步行。

12、Remember to call us at midnight sharp, for we must continue on our journey.───记得半夜12点叫醒我们,因为我们还要继续赶路。

13、It can continue on subsequent lines.───它可延续到后面的行内.

14、Let him continue on his journey.───让他继续他的行程吧.

15、Turn left to continue on the main route.───向左转,继续走主道.

16、The A green lighta traffic signal means your car can continue on.───交通中的绿灯意思是你的车可以继续通行.

17、Fars said the aircraft was later allowed to continue on to Afghanistan.───法尔斯报道该飞机之后被允许继续飞往阿富汗.

18、The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot.───暴风雨越来越猛烈。最终,我被迫弃车徒步前行。

continue on相似词语短语










continue和continue on的区别?

go on 和 continue 在英语中都表示“继续”。Continue 是通过词根词缀的结合(con+tin)来完成“继续”的意思,continue 原意是“组合在一起”,当一件事的结尾和另一件事的开头组合在一起时,也就是“继续”了。

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