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big house中文翻译,big house是什么意思,big house发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

big house中文翻译,big house是什么意思,big house发音、用法及例句

1、big house

big house发音

英:  美:

big house中文意思翻译


n.(庄园或村庄的)主屋; 大房子; [美国俚语]监狱,感化院; 宅第


big house双语使用场景

1、upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house.───想到她孤身一人守着那所大房子,我就感到不舒服。

2、I moved on round the big house to reach my pad.───我绕过大房子走向我的公寓。

3、It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house.───想到她孤零零地待在那所大房子里,我便坐立不安。

4、The big house on the hill is my ambition.───山上那所大房子是我所企望得到的.

5、He has a big house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in France.───他有一所大房子和一辆昂贵汽车, 且不说在法国还有一座别墅了.

6、I want a big house with a nice garden.───我想有带花园的大房子.

7、He's in debt to the bank because he bought that big house.───他因买下那座大房子而欠银行的债.

8、He originally need not buy such big house.───他本来不必买这样一所大房子.

9、My uncle will buy a big house with a garden.───我叔叔将要买一座带花园的大房子.

10、When she lived alone in the big house Nancy was high - strung and often had nightmares.───南茜独自一人住在那所大房子里时,神经非常紧张,常做恶梦.

11、Will the Jacksons still keep on the big house?───约翰逊夫妇还会结业续住在那座大房子里 吗 ?

12、He bought a big house, so he had more space to paint in.───他买了一所大房子, 从而他有了更大的地方做画.

13、In order that he would have more space for painting, he bought a big house.───他为了有更大的地方作画, 他买了一所大房子.

14、Only a man of means could afford such a big house.───只有富人才买得起这样的大宅第.

15、He lived apart , in his big house with his granddaughter.───他带着孙女离群索居, 住在一所大宅子里.

16、helluva big house you've got.───你的房子真是大极了。

17、Do they live all by themselves in that big house?───他们是不是单独住在那座大房子里?

18、From a big house to our left came a blaze of light and music.───左边有一幢大宅子里面灯火辉煌,乐声悠扬.

big house相似词语短语

1、big noise───有影响的人,名人;耸人听闻的声明


3、pit house───地穴


5、bridge house───[船]桥楼室,驾驶台;驾驶室

6、big houses───n.(由权贵居住的)主屋,豪宅;监狱,大牢


2、I want a big house?

中文意思是:我想要一个大房子。也可以读作:I want a big house.want英 [wɒnt] 美 [wɑ:nt] v.想要;希望;打算;需要…在场n.需要的东西;缺少;贫穷第三人称单数: wants 复数: wants 现在分词: wanting 过去式: wanted 过去分词: wantedbig英 [bɪg] 美 [bɪɡ] adj.大的;重要的;(计划)庞大的;大方的adv.大量地;成功地;夸大地;宽宏大量地n.大亨;大公司比较级: bigger 最高级: biggesthouse英 [haʊs] 美 [haʊs] n.房屋;全家人;(从事某种生意的)公司;(英国)下议院v.给…提供住房;收藏;安置第三人称单数: houses 复数: houses 现在分词: housing 过去式: housed 过去分词: housed

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