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i won't(I won t中文翻译,I won t是什么意思,I won t发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

i won't(I won t中文翻译,I won t是什么意思,I won t发音、用法及例句)

I won t

I won t发音

英:  美:

I won t中文意思翻译



I won t双语使用场景

1、I know my limitations, so I won t do things beyond my ability.───我知道自己能力有限,所以我不会做能力范围之外的事。

2、'Look here; I won't walk another inch with you, if you say any jokes about him! '───听着,你们要是拿他开玩笑,那我就一步也不同你往前走了!

3、"I'm just blindly applying to any place that's close to my house, so I won't have to drive very far, " she said. "It's just crazy. "───“我只是盲目地申请离家近的地方的工作,因此我不会开很远”,她说,“简直要疯了!”。

4、Toss a bunch of numbers at me, and I won't grasp a bit of it.───给我丢过来一堆数字,我不会理解其中任何信息。

5、I' m going to be working all day tomorrow, so I won't have time to go to Taichung with you.───明天一整天我都要工作,所以我没有时间陪你去台中。

6、RP: Yes. Although it cannot last for so long, simply because vampires do not age, so I won't be able to do it for more than 2 years.───答:是的,但是不可能持续太久,因为吸血鬼不会变老,那样的状态我可能没法超过两年吧。

7、I won't sell her no matter how much the offer is.───他说。“不管多少高价,我都不会卖掉它。”

8、I \ 'm not even sure I should share with you now the extent of what we all saw - so I won \' t.───我甚至没有把握,是否现在我应该尽量与你们分享我所看到的一切——所以我不会这么做。

9、he said softly. "I won 't hurt you."───他轻声道。“我不会伤害你的。”

I won t相似词语短语

1、to wont───习惯

2、I wonder───我想知道;我怀疑

i won't leave you什么意思?

I won't leave you. But you don't need me我不会离开你的。但是,你不需要我。

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