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corrective action中文翻译,corrective action是什么意思,corrective action发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

corrective action中文翻译,corrective action是什么意思,corrective action发音、用法及例句

corrective action

corrective action发音

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corrective action中文意思翻译




corrective action双语使用场景

1、Scientific institutions have been reluctant to take corrective action.───科学机构一直不愿作出更正。

2、A correction can be made in conjunction with a corrective action.───纠正可连同纠正措施一起实施.

3、The organization should incorporate root - cause analysis, as appropriate, into the corrective - action process.───适当时, 组织应当对不合格根本原因的分析纳入纠正措施过程.

4、Include all documentation of the corrective action you have taken.───还包括你们已经采取的改进的所有文档.

5、Analyze material shortage status and take corrective action for production needs.───缺料分析并能采取相应措施以保证物料及时供应.

6、The administrative authority shall take the corrective action that the Special Counsel recommends.───主管部门应采用特别法律顾问所建议的改正措施.

7、Establish what corrective action to take in case of a deviation.───建立万一发生误差的纠正行动.

8、Follow up corrective action and make it close on time.───追踪整改预防措施的落实和及时关闭.

9、Corrective Action is the response to a specific cause.───修正行动是对于特定原因的反应.

10、You do not perform corrective action at this time.───这一次不能执行校正操作.

11、Are Systems and Audit deficiencies subjected to timely Closed Loop Corrective Action?───系统和审查的不足接受及时的闭环纠正措施 吗 ?

12、Scientific institutions have been reluctant to take corrective action.───科学机构一直都不愿采取纠正的行动。

13、I am taking corrective action.───我将采取矫正措施。

14、Takes necessary corrective action to ensure that all quality Levels are met.───采取必要的纠正措施来确保达到所有质量要求.

15、People from appropriate disciplines should participate in the corrective action process.───组织应当吸收不同领域的人员参加纠正措施过程.

16、The organization shall use error - proofing methods in their corrective action process.───组织应在纠正措施中使用防错方法.

17、We need to take corrective action to halt this country's decline.───我们得采取纠偏行动来阻止这个国家的衰落。

18、Follow up the execution of corrective action, feedback to correlative department.───跟踪纠正措施的执行情况, 并反馈给相关部门.

corrective action相似词语短语

1、concertina action───协奏曲动作

2、collective action───集体行动;集体行为

3、disruptive action───破坏性行动

4、competitive action───竞争行动

5、positive action───积极行动;强制作用

6、effective action───有效行动;有效作用量

7、aggressive action───侵蚀作用;腐蚀性

8、convective activity───对流活动

9、affirmative action───肯定行动,平权行动



中美精神分析联盟(The China American Psychoanalytic Alliance )

亚太会计师联合会(Corrective Action & Preventive Action)

郴州市航拍协会编辑(Chenzhou Aerial Photography Association)

合格汽车零件协会(corrective action and preventive action)

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