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to-plan(to plan中文翻译,to plan是什么意思,to plan发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

to-plan(to plan中文翻译,to plan是什么意思,to plan发音、用法及例句)

to plan

to plan发音

英:  美:

to plan中文意思翻译



to plan双语使用场景

1、It's a little secret, but sometimes women want to get off just as much as men do without having to plan an all-day primping session.───这是个小秘密,但是有时候女人和男人一样,不想要花很长的时间来精心准备,而是直接开始。。

2、Go grocery shopping once a week. You'll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to shop for it all at once.───一周去一次杂货店。在去购物前如果你能列出计划,在购物时一次买清将为你节省时间和钱。

3、Let's try to plan further ahead.───咱们尽量计划得更长远些。

4、We need to plan for the future.───我们需要为将来作好打算。

5、It would do no good for him to plan his wingspan and colors or to wish to remain in the snug safety of the tiny world he has known.───对他来说去计划他的翅展和色彩,或者去希望呆在他已经知道的微小世界的舒适安全里,将没有好处。

6、If Plan A fails, go to Plan B.───假如第一方案失败了,就执行第二方案。

7、Should be able to plan and execute projects on time, manage budgets, build partnerships and think out of the box.───必须能够按时策划项目、管理预算、建立合作关系和灵活思维。

8、She's already stepped down from her post at the company but isn't kicking her feet up -- after all, there is a party of the century to plan.───凯特早已离开PartyPieces原先的职位,但目前并非无事一身轻——毕竟,还有一个世纪派对要规划。

9、If you're going to work from home, be it a day here or there, or full-time, you'll want to plan it out.───如果你要在家里工作,无论在家兼职或全职,你都要计划一下。

to plan相似词语短语

1、to plain───到平原

2、to replan───重新规划

3、to play───玩

4、to pan───平移

5、to planch───计划

6、to plant───栽植

7、to plank───支架式

8、to plane───到平面

9、to plat───平台到平台

plan to中文是什么意思?

plan to中文翻译:计划;打算[例句]父亲同意了我们访问纽约的计划。

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