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blend into(blended in中文翻译,blended in是什么意思,blended in发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

blend into(blended in中文翻译,blended in是什么意思,blended in发音、用法及例句)

1、blended in

blended in发音

英:  美:

blended in中文意思翻译



blended in双语使用场景

1、He blended in with the crowd at the art sale.───他混入了艺术品拍卖会的人群中。

2、Alas this is not possible if consciousness is blended in any manner.───唉,不过如果意识以任何方式相混杂的话,这就没有可能。

3、The two feelings blended in him -- neutralized one another and him.───这两种感觉在他心里混为一体,相互抵消,使他采取了中立的态度。

4、She blended in easily, pretending to be one of the many war widows.───她很容易就能混在数目众多的战争遗孀里面。

5、The product is generally made to order within a specialty juice and smoothie bar and is blended in a high-speed blender.───产品通常被专业的果汁及思慕雪吧用高速的搅拌机来搅拌出品。

6、And a few line that blended in a tradition again in white, colour and style, make do not send too drab and cadaverous .───而在白色之中又融入了传统的一些线条、色彩以及风格,使之不致过于单调苍白。

7、Walruses, camels, bears and badgers were all blended in different ratios to come up with Chewbacca's various utterances.───海象、骆驼、熊和獾的声音在不同的频率混合起来构成了丘巴卡的不同的话语。

8、The thieves soon blended in with the crowd and got away.───窃贼很快混入人群逃跑了。

9、I blended in the most perfect way: well enough to fit in and not nerdy enough to stand out.───我以最理想的方式融入了他们当中:既能与他们相处融洽,也没有出尽风头招人讨厌。

blended in相似词语短语


2、blending in───混合,加入;调和

3、blends in───混合,加入;调和

4、bedded in───磨合;嵌入

5、blended into───融入...;与...融合

6、blend in───混合,加入;调和

7、blocked in───草拟,画草图







If enemies came to invade, hays blended with wolf shit was bum in the daytime, the smoke of which would rise very high so that sentinels could get the warn.


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