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free sample中文翻译,free sample是什么意思,free sample发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

free sample中文翻译,free sample是什么意思,free sample发音、用法及例句

free sample

free sample发音

英:  美:

free sample中文意思翻译



free sample双语使用场景

1、Miss, would you like to try this free sample of our new suntan cream?───小姐, 您想免费试用一下这款新的防晒霜 吗 ?

2、Write now to this address and we will send you a free sample by return.───按此地址函索即免费寄奉样品.

3、Practical application: Give away a free sample or freebie - anything for free. Make sure it is something of real value.───实际运用:发放免费试用装或代金券——任何免费的东西都可以,但一定要是有实际价值的东西。

4、Buyers of this new - style suit will Be offered a free sample.───买一套这种新式服装,可免费奉送货样.

5、Thousands of people have written in to us for a free sample.───现已有数千人给我们来信索要免费样品.

6、A free sample is enclosed with the compliments of the manufacturer.───内附厂方敬赠的免费样品.

7、Is there a free sample for this?───这个有试用品 吗 ?

8、traditional free sample is the promotional candy bar handout or the diapers mailed to a new mother.───传统的免费例子包括派送糖果,或给那些婴儿母亲赠送尿布。

9、Isn't it just the free sample model found everywhere from perfume counters to street corners?───从香水柜台到街边小摊,这种免费模式的例子可不就是无处不在的吗?

10、We also provide free sample questions for each exam level a sense of the rigor.───但是,我们也免费供给每个级别测试的例题.

free sample相似词语短语



3、floor sample───地板样品

4、free falls───自由下落

5、free fall───自由下落

6、free app───免费应用程序

7、free samples───[贸易]免费样品

8、for example───例如

9、fee simple───n.地产的永久和绝对所有权,非限嗣继承地产所有权


"offer" 这个词有多种用法,下面是其中的几种常见用法:

1. 提供:表示提供或给予某物或某种机会。例如:

- The company offered him a job.(公司给了他一个工作机会。)

- They offered me a free sample

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