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take it out(take it中文翻译,take it是什么意思,take it发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

take it out(take it中文翻译,take it是什么意思,take it发音、用法及例句)

take it

take it发音

英:[teɪk ɪt]  美:[

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take it双语使用场景

1、"You've no objection, I take it?" — "Of course not."───“我猜你不会反对吧?”——“当然不。”

2、If the bank is unhelpful take it up with the Ombudsman.───银行要是不肯帮忙,就去找申诉专员。

3、I take it back, I think perhaps I am an extrovert.───我收回说过的话,我想也许我是外向型的人。

4、That coat is soaking—take it off.───上衣湿透了—脱下来吧。

5、Where's your book? Take it out and turn to page 4.───你的书呢?拿出来,翻到第4页。

6、"It's all show," said Linus. "The girls don't take it seriously."───“全是装的,”莱纳斯说。“女孩子们不会拿它当真的。”

7、You can take it in turns to babysit.───你们可以轮流照看孩子。

8、"Just take it easy," David said. "You'll feel better presently."───“放松点,”戴维说,“你很快就会觉得更舒服些。”

9、Some people simply can't take it and they just go insane.───一些人完全承受不了,结果就精神失常了。

10、Take it easy. Don't be so sensitive.───放松点,别这么敏感。

11、I take it you're a friend of the Kellings, Mr Burr.───伯尔先生,想必您是凯林家的朋友吧?

12、I'm only just beginning to take it in that he's still missing.───我刚刚才开始反应过来,原来他仍然下落不明。

13、Take it! I dare you.───接受吧!我谅你也不敢。

14、If someone says something critical I take it to heart.───如果有人提出批评,我会十分介意。

15、He detailed a constable to take it to the Incident Room.───他派了一名警察把它送到重案调查室。

16、Remember, stick to the issues and don't take it personally.───记住,就事论事,不要把问题个人化。

17、If they offer me the job, I'll take it.───如果他们给我这份工作,我就接受。

18、Some people simply can't take it and they just go insane.───一些人就是接受不了,于是便变得精神错乱。

take it相似词语短语

1、take in───吸收;领会;欺骗;接待;接受;理解;拘留;欺骗;让…进入;改短

2、take on───承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用;穿上

3、take ill───生病

4、take aim───瞄准

5、take pity───同情;怜悯

6、take out───v.取出;去掉;出发;发泄;把…带出去;邀请(某人)外出;开始

7、I take it───我接受了

8、take to───喜欢;走向;开始从事

9、make it───(病痛等)好转;达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程



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