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完成学业英文(finish school中文翻译,finish school是什么意思,finish school发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

完成学业英文(finish school中文翻译,finish school是什么意思,finish school发音、用法及例句)

1、finish school

finish school发音

英:  美:

finish school中文意思翻译


v.完成学业; 毕业

finish school双语使用场景

1、I regret that I didn't finish school.───我很后悔那时辍学了.

2、She is south those who open finish school.───她是南开毕业的.

3、Can you come to my home after we finish school this afternoon?───今天放学后到我家去好 吗 ?

4、She was anxious to finish school and get a job.───她渴望毕业找一份工作。

5、In the UK, students finish school and go home at about three o'clock.───在英国, 学生们大约三点放学回家.

6、LISA: What do you want to do when you finish school?───丽莎:那你毕业后想做什么呢?

7、I know, but I want to wait until my children finish school.───我知道, 但是我想等我的孩子放假了.

8、When do the children finish school?───们什么时候毕业?

finish school相似词语短语

1、faith school───信众学校

2、failing school───失败的学校

3、faith schools───信众学校

4、parish schools───教区学校

5、fencing school───击剑学校

6、first school───(英国)初级学校(学生为5至8、9岁的儿童)

7、finishing school───女子精修学校

8、parish school───教区学校

9、finishing schools───女子精修学校



英 [ˌgrædʒuˈeɪʃn]

美 [ˈɡrædʒuˈeʃən]

graduation n.毕业;毕业典礼;刻度,分度;分等级

graduate vi.渐变;渐渐变为(与into连用);渐渐消逝(与away连用);取得资格(与as连用)

finish school v.完成学业;毕业



Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate.


They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation.


They hired eight college graduates to start work after the college year ends in March.


But you know it's hard for a new graduate to find a god job right now.

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