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marching band中文翻译,marching band是什么意思,marching band发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

marching band中文翻译,marching band是什么意思,marching band发音、用法及例句

1、marching band

marching band发音

英:  美:

marching band中文意思翻译




marching band双语使用场景

1、Cause the players tried to take the field The marching band refused to yield.───当其他的乐队也想进入这块试验田,先锋却拒绝再玩.

2、Perfect people hangout with their marching band friends.───完美的人和军乐队的朋友聚会。

3、The marching band is collecting bottles for the homeless.───军乐队为那些无家可归者收集瓶子.

4、To see a marching band.───去欣赏那军乐队的演奏.

5、The marching band , the melody doesn't go to the tuba.───进行曲, 大号吹不出那么悦耳的音调.

6、After class, they rehearse with the marching band and then head home for dinner.───下课后, 他们和行进乐队一同排练,然后回家吃晚饭.

7、Patrick Henry plays the trumpet in the University of Louisville marching band from his wheelchair.───帕特里克亨利坐在他的轮椅上为路易斯维尔大学的行进乐队吹小号.

8、The musician arranged the symphony so it could be performed without violins by a marching band.───这位作曲家改写了这个交响曲,以使其能不用小提琴由管乐队演奏.

9、bass drum and the tuba or in the marching band, it would be a sousaphone they would call it, the bass drum and tuba.───低音鼓和低音号,或在军乐队中,该是他们所说的苏萨大号、低音鼓和低音号。

10、His body was greeted by the University of Michigan marching band, Ford's alma mater.───福特的母校,密歇根大学的仪仗队对他的遗体举行了致敬仪式.

11、People grow up with piano lessons, chorus classes and marching band practices.───人们在钢琴课程 、 合唱课程和参与游行乐队的演练经历中成长.

12、When our foreign press plane arrived in San Rico, we were greeted by a cheering crowd and a marching band, and even a bald eagle.───当外报记者搭乘的飞机到达圣黎各时,迎接我们的是欢呼的人群和行进中的乐队,甚至还有一只秃头鹰。

marching band相似词语短语

1、marching bands───游行乐队;仪仗队(marchingband的复数)

2、perching bird───栖鸟类

3、string band───弦乐队

4、marching song───行车曲

5、marching girl───n.行军女队

6、mourning band───n.服丧戴的黑纱

7、marching songs───行车曲

8、backing band───[建]背圈

9、falling band───下降带



1.School band music education is a major extracurricular activity and school marching bands have developed.而学校管乐教育主要在中小学的音乐课外活动和学校管乐队中得到发展。

2.In the US, high school marching bands have very busy schedule in practicing, performing, and competing.在美国,高中管乐队有著非常忙碌的行程,要练习、表演还要比赛。

3.They are one of this year's hot new bands.他们是今年走红的新乐队之一。

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