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new moon中文翻译,new moon是什么意思,new moon发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

new moon中文翻译,new moon是什么意思,new moon发音、用法及例句

new moon

new moon发音

英:  美:

new moon中文意思翻译


新月; 朔月; 朔

new moon双语使用场景

1、Missilemen were busy at launching pads and hangars, preparing for two new moon shoots.───火箭专家们在发射台及飞机棚中忙着准备两次月球火箭之发射试验.

2、With Pluto in supportive angle to this new moon, you will get support from career gains.───冥王星给了月亮一个支持性的角度, 你讲的到事业的收获.

3、The new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.───在埃及,新月之时是欢庆之日。

4、This new moon will light you action, for sure.───诚然,新月将引导你采取行动.

5、opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.───15日新月会出现在天秤座的对面。

6、Some people think it is unlucky to look at a new moon through glass.───有些人认为透过玻璃看新月是不吉利的。

7、It is better to abstain from calling upon energies during the New Moon.───最好是避免呼吁精力在新的月球.

8、And what you get a to make a new moon resolution, wish or fresh start.───你会得到来自于新月的机会 、 祝福或者新生.

9、The crescent of a new moon hung over the mulberry in the yard.───一弯新月高悬在院子里的桑树这上.

10、At new Moon, the Moon is between the earth and the sun.───在新月, 月亮是处于地球和太阳之间的.

11、You may get a fantastic media opportunity at this new moon at s end.───您可能会收到美妙媒体机会在这个新的月球在月底.

12、It marks your annual new moon in your lofty tenth house of fame and honors.───这天意味着新月在你关于名望和荣誉的玄奥的第十宫每年一次的光临.

13、Like a new moon, slender and barely open.───象一穹新月, 细长而纤巧.

14、And in the westward sky, I saw a curved pale line like a vast new moon.───在西方的天空, 可见苍白弯曲的线条,仿若巨大的新月.

15、new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.───在埃及,新月是欢庆的节日庆典。

16、The New Moon in sign is a helpful and inspiring indication.───位于狮子宫的新月是非常吉相,鼓舞的指示.

17、God ( Wood ) New Moon ( State ) Railway, and Xin ( USA ) Paul ( Germany ) crossing the road.───神 ( 木 ) 朔 ( 州 ) 铁路和忻 ( 州 ) 保 ( 德 ) 公路过境.

18、These talks will become productive once you get beyond the new moon of May 24.───如果你在新月5月24日前得到,那么这些会谈将会变得合时的.

19、The new moon may affect joint resources, taxes, credit or loans.───新月会影响到合作资源 、 税收 、 信用卡和贷款.

20、Pluto is quite supportive to this new moon from sibling and neighbor's house.───冥王星是非常支持这个新的月球兄弟和邻居的房子.

21、The crescent new moon looked as if hanging on the tips of the trees.───弓儿似的新月,挂在树梢.

22、These insights contribute meandering conversation fostered by Saturday's New Moon.───这些见解通过周六的新月,有助于培养谈话的能力.

23、The whole beach is embedded between the sea and sky as a new moon.───从地图上看,整个沙滩就像一弯新月似的镶嵌在碧海蓝天之间.

24、This willbe a new moon , and new moons open paths.───这时正值会开辟新径的新月时段.

25、Outward moving focuses begin with the full moon and end with the new moon.───向外焦点则从满月开始、以新月结束.

26、The New Moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.───15日新月会移至你对面的天秤宫。

27、The new moon, marking the beginning of Ramadan, had yet to appear.───标志着伊斯兰斋月开始的新月还有出现.

28、moon takes 30 days to change from new moon to full moon and back to the new moon.───月亮从新月变成满月再变回新月要花费三十天。

29、This will be discussed in New Moon.───这将会在《新月》中被讨论到.

30、April 24 th hosts a new moon in your professional aspirations, leadership, success, and personal reputation sector.───四月二十四号的新月会为你的职业抱负, 领导能力, 成功和个人信誉等方面带来影响.

31、At the new moon in Scorpio, we let part of us die and get reborn.───天蝎座新月的夜晚, 我们让一部分的自己死亡,然后更生.

new moon相似词语短语

1、new moons───新月

2、new born───adj.新生的;再生的;n.婴儿

3、new book───新书

4、snow moons───雪月

5、new wool───新羊毛

6、snow moon───雪月

7、new look───新面目,新气象

8、new town───n.(英)新市镇;卫星城



暮光之城书籍共有五部第一部:暮色-twilight第二部:新月-new moon第三部:月食-eclipse第四部:破晓-breaking dawn第五部:午夜阳光-midnight sun 二,三步分别在拍摄中,上映日期分别定在2009年11月20日和2010年6月30日

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