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take my money中文翻译,take my money是什么意思,take my money发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

take my money中文翻译,take my money是什么意思,take my money发音、用法及例句

take my money

take my money发音

英:  美:

take my money中文意思翻译



take my money双语使用场景

1、Woman: You might as well take my money, Miss Wilkes.───女人:你应该收下我的钱,威尔克斯太太。

2、Even when the railway finally consented to take my money, officials explained that there was no mechanism for buying a return ticket.───当我总算被允许付钱后,工作人员又告诉我没有返程票一说。

3、you take my money from the table?───你拿了我桌上的钱吗?

4、Woman: If you are, which they ain't, you'll take my money for the hospital.───女人:如果你和她们不一样,是好人,那你就收下我捐给医院的钱。

5、Let the wretch take my money, "said Arabella. "We'll never miss it, being blessed with each other. "───让那个卑鄙的家伙把我的钱拿走吧,”阿拉贝拉说,“我们绝不会为失去这笔钱而心痛的,只要我们两人互相恩爱。”

6、Can I take my money out of the country?───我可以把自己的钱带出国吗?

7、When I explained the project to Don at checkout, he refused to take my money.───当我在柜台边向唐讲述这一计划时,他拒不收钱。

8、"Let the wretch take my money, " said Arabella. "We'll never miss it, being blessed with each other. "───“让那个卑鄙的家伙把我的钱拿走吧,”阿拉贝拉说,“我们绝不会为失去这笔钱而心痛的,只要我们两人互相恩爱。”

9、Please get out of my way so you can take my money as quickly as possible before I change my mind.───在我改变主意之前请别挡我的道儿,这样你就能尽快拿到我的钱了。

take my money相似词语短语

1、gate money───入场费

2、token money───代用货币

3、Maundy money───濯足节时发的救济金

4、key money───n.(房租之外的)小费;预付房租

5、paper money───纸币;[金融]钞票

6、easy money───n.不义之财;得来容易的钱;易被榨出钱来的;小菜一碟;低息货币

7、make money───赚钱

8、ready money───现金;现款

9、made of money───有钱赚的

take my money跟take me money 哪个对?

take my money的意思是“拿着我的钱”,这是正确的,而take me money是错误的。

在汉语中通常会省略掉“的”,如:我的父亲在汉语中通常会说成我父亲。而很多英语初学者会受到母语的影响,把my father说成me father。而take me money就是属于这一类错误。

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