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back cover中文翻译,back cover是什么意思,back cover发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

back cover中文翻译,back cover是什么意思,back cover发音、用法及例句

1、back cover

back cover发音

英:  美:

back cover中文意思翻译




back cover双语使用场景

1、The reason for his anger was that the magazine's back cover had a still from the British movie "The Slipper and the Rose" showing a couple kissing.───他愤怒的原因仅仅是杂志的封底印了张来自英国**《水晶鞋与玫瑰花》的情侣接吻剧照。

2、Back cover material used, would have on the bridgeis has a direct impact on the level.───书背使用何种装帧材料, 会对牢固程度有着直接的影响.

3、Similarly, jump to the white color of ink film on the back cover of monlchamus films.───同样, 不后印到白纸上的不朱膜颜色,在被后印的不朱膜覆盖之后.

4、Fourth cover : Outside back cover of a periodical.───封四:期刊的封底.

5、You should be able to "read" the back cover of the book, check out the book flap, see the cover art, and easily (and impulsively) drop the book in your cart and wander to the checkout line.───您应该能够“阅读”图书的封底内容,查看图书的前言,查看封面图片,以及轻松地(且愉快地)将书放入您的购物车并购买。

6、And the screen need a back cover.───且屏体一般需要加后盖.

7、Just at the inside back cover when your not sure how to say a word.───当你不确定如何说说单词时,就看一看这封面的背后.

8、Read the back cover and the introduction.───读读这本书的背面和介绍.

9、The file is huge, so I share with you only the front and back cover file.───这个档很大, 所以我仅与您们分享封面和封底档.

10、The book was in good condition except for a dig in the back cover.───这本书除了后皮上有个洞之外,其他一切都完好无损的.

11、The original should be scanned from the front cover, back cover, then spread originals in order.───原稿应从封面, 封底扫描, 然后按原搞页码分页.

12、And made typography, cover, back cover , the spine giant matched to each other, the overall response.───并由此构成版式 、 封面 、 封底 、 书脊等各个不圆面彼此成婚 、 彼此呼答的局部成果.

13、On the back cover issue was a photograph of an early morning country road.───在停刊号的封底,有张清晨乡间小路的照片.

14、Back cover - map and address. address format to be same as name card.───封底 - 地图和地址. 地址格式相同名片.

15、The assistant took the book and checked the price on the back cover.───售货员拿起书,核对了封底上的价格。

16、Otherwise, they would create a back cover by edgwise wrinkle and backs deformation and other pages.───否则, 就会造成书背封面弓皱,书背变形和书页脱落等弊病.

17、Color for cover and back cover: crimson for master students , blackish green for doctor students.───封面(封底)颜色: 硕士班为暗红色、博士班为墨绿色.

18、The assistant took the book and checked the price on the back cover.───店员拿起书,核对了一下封底的定价。

back cover相似词语短语

1、back boiler───n.家用热水器

2、back copy───背面复印件

3、back scores───回分

4、back covers───封底;表后背

5、air cover───空中掩护;空军掩护

6、back copies───备份

7、book covers───书的封面封底;图书封面;书皮

8、book cover───书的封面封底;图书封面;书皮

9、break cover───从隐藏处跳出来


back cover open close the cover  后盖已经打开  双语例句  

1.Open the back cover to check the electric brush is in good condition.  打开后盖外罩,检查电刷是否正常。  

2.Press the back cover lock release button and slide the back cover latch down toopen the back cover.  按压后盖锁定释放按钮,向下滑动后盖插锁,打开后盖。  

3.While pressing the back cover lock release button, slide the back cover latch downand open the back cover.  按后盖锁定释放按钮,同时向下滑动后盖插锁,以打开后盖。  

4.Open the back cover and push down the release pin on the back cover to remove.  打开后盖,按下后盖上释放针,以便卸下后盖。

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