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bank charges中文翻译,bank charges是什么意思,bank charges发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

bank charges中文翻译,bank charges是什么意思,bank charges发音、用法及例句

bank charges

bank charges发音

英:  美:

bank charges中文意思翻译




bank charges双语使用场景

1、All bank charges and credits are recorded on your monthly statement.───所有的银行费率和余额都记录在你的每月清单上.

2、All bank charges are to be paid by registrants.───由此产生的银行手续费等各项费用都由申请者自行承担.

3、This bank charges 6 percent interest on all its loans.───这家银行对其所有存款收取6%的利息.

4、There will be Bank charges in connection with the credit.───开立信用证还要缴纳银行手续费.

5、The bank charges a fixed rate for each transaction.───银行对办理的每件业务收取一定费用.

6、All bank charges outside Bahrain are payable by the beneficiary.───巴林以外的银行费用由受益人承担.

7、Britain's Office of Fair Trading has already ruled some bank charges unfair.───英国的公平交易委员会,已经判定某些银行交易不公.

8、Miscellaneous bank charges and credits.───其他的银行手续费和银行贷项记录.

9、Getting dinged over and overwith bank charges?───一再的收到银行的账单?

10、M: Anyhow, there would be certain bank charges.───M:无论如何,银行都会收取一定的费用。

11、The bank charges 20 % to 30 % above the benchmark rate non - mortgage microloans.───对于无抵押小额贷款,信用联社收取的利率比同期贷款基准利率高出20-30%.

12、You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit.───如果超出了透支限额,就有被银行加收费用的风险。

13、For this service, the bank charges 1 percent of the amount of the check. If you bought a $50 check, for example, you would have to pay $0.50 for it.───银行会收取支票面额的1% 作为手续费,比方说,你买一张50元的支票要付0.5美元的手续费。

14、Any bank charges shall be deducted from the returnable amount.───任何银行收费应扣除从可回收的金额.

15、The credit will cover the invoice, discounting, and any other bank charges.───该信贷将用于支付账单, 贴现, 以及任何其他银行的收费.

16、That bank charges processing fee when you apply for a loan.───申请那家银行的贷款手续费.

17、Still, there will be bank charges in connection with the credit.───即便那样, 开立信用证还是要支付[银行手续费].

18、The bank charges me ten dollars for every transfer.───每次交易银行都要收我10美元.

bank charges相似词语短语

1、bank card───银行信用卡;银行自动提款卡

2、baton charges───(警察)持警棍冲击;警察的干涉

3、bayonet charges───刺刀冲锋;用刺刀拼杀

4、bank barns───斜坡谷仓;山坡马房

5、baton charged───(警察)持警棍冲击;警察的干涉

6、blank cheques───空白支票

7、bank cards───银行卡;信用卡

8、late charges───到期货价迟延付款费;延期罚款

9、space charges───[电子]空间电荷


你好,银行手续费直接翻译:Bank charges两个都是可以的。一般是使用service charge。service charge翻译:n.(另加的)服务费;(付给餐馆侍者的)小费;(付给房东的)服务费网络.手续费;可能免手续费;服务收费

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