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the scientist中文翻译,the scientist是什么意思,the scientist发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

the scientist中文翻译,the scientist是什么意思,the scientist发音、用法及例句

the scientist

the scientist发音

英:  美:

the scientist中文意思翻译



the scientist双语使用场景

1、The scientist is like a high speed train: he might have a huge engine, he is (mostly) forced to follow tracks.───科学家就如同一辆高速列车:他可能有个强大的发动机,(大多数时候)他被迫循着轨道前进。

2、"Your Grace, " the scientist directed up to her, bowing. "The Regent regrets that he could not be here in person to bestow his gift. "───“女王殿下,”这个科学家径直走向她,鞠躬说道,“摄政王很遗憾他不能亲自来这送上他的礼物。”

3、In the very hedged language of the scientist, it means that conditions have been found that are consistent with the presence of that life.───在科学家极其隐晦的话语中,这表示生命存在所需要的基本条件已经被发现了。

4、It is not unusual for the scientist to go to bed at two or three in the morning.───对于这位科学家来说,凌晨两、三点钟上床睡觉是很平常的事。

5、The British Museum first opened in the 18th Century largely based on the collections of the scientist Sir Hans Sloane.───大英博物馆于18世纪首次开放,其作品主要是基于科学家斯隆爵士的收藏品。

6、For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream.───对一个终生信靠理性力量的科学家来说,这个故事象恶梦一般完结。

7、The scientist developed one model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate.───这位科学家研制出一个模型,能模拟全年地球的气候。

8、The scientist is engaged in serious research to uncover the very nature of the physical world.───这位科学家正在进行认真的研究,以揭示物理世界的本质。

9、"Don't you know? You're a damn Betazoid! " cursed the scientist. "I thought you could read minds, like Dr. Milu. "───“难道你不知道?你只是个混账的小人物!”这位科学家骂道。“我还以为你像米卢博士一样,可以读懂我的心思。”

the scientist相似词语短语

1、space scientist───太空科学家

2、to scientise───致科学家


4、earth scientist───地球科学家

5、life scientist───生命科学家


7、hard scientist───自然科学家

8、data scientist───数据科学家


the scientist表达什么?

coldplay 的The Scientist这首歌叫科学家。因为这首歌非常正直,很科学,没有私情,而作曲家的思想把这首歌写得非常感人,向科学家一样征服人类,渲染人类。

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