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rabid dog中文翻译,rabid dog是什么意思,rabid dog发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

rabid dog中文翻译,rabid dog是什么意思,rabid dog发音、用法及例句

1、rabid dog

rabid dog发音

英:  美:

rabid dog中文意思翻译




rabid dog双语使用场景

1、The rabid dog foamed at the mouth.───那只狗染上狂犬病,口吐白沫。

2、A rabid dog may froth at the mouth.───疯狗可能嘴边流着白沫.

3、A rabid dog bit him.───他被一只疯狗咬了.

4、You can be mad as a rabid dog how things went, you can swear, you can curse the fate, but when you get to the end, you have to let it go.───你可以像疯狗一样对周围的一切愤愤不平,你可以诅咒命运,但是等到了最后一刻,你还是得平静的放手而去。

5、They all had a history of rabid dog bite and typical clinical manifestations of rabies.───各例患者均有病大咬伤史和狂犬病的典型临床症状。

6、A rabid dog that Became the terror of the neighBorhood.───一条狂暴的狗给邻居们带来极大的恐怖.

rabid dog相似词语短语

1、acid dye───酸性染剂;[染料]酸性染料

2、pariah dog───流浪狗

3、acid drop───酸味糖果


5、bird dogs───挖掘人才的人;捕鸟猎犬;战斗机;猎取经济情报者

6、bird dog───挖掘人才的人;捕鸟猎犬;战斗机;猎取经济情报者

7、native dog───本地狗

8、prairie dog───北美的草原土拨鼠



BREAK = To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash.


2。切割,划分成片:例句 = break crackers for a baby.

3。分成部份或零件:例句 = broke the work into discrete tasks。

4。拆离:例句 = broke a twig from the tree.

5。骨折的: I broke my leg.

6。找换较小的货币单位:break a dollar.

DESTROY = To ruin completely; spoil。 To tear down or break up; demolish.

1。完全破坏;弃土, 毁掉。例句 = The ancient manuscripts were destroyed by fire.


3。杀。 例句 = destroy a rabid dog.

4。制服或失败了,完全被粉碎了,被摧毁了。例句 = The rebel forces were destroyed in battle.

5。为了使之无用或令它无效:例句 = destroyed the testimony of the prosecution's chief witness.

DISASTER = An occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe.


1。造成广泛的破坏和痛苦的, 发生的一场大灾难。

2. 一个严重的不幸。例句 = The earthquake was the greatest disaster the country had ever experienced.

3。彻底失败(非正式的):例句 = The dinner party was a disaster.。

RUIN = Total destruction or disintegration, either physical, moral, social, or economic.


2。彻底毁灭的原因。You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!

3。完全破坏的行为 / 遭到破坏的人,对象,或建设。


5。彻底毁灭的原因, 完全破坏的行为。遭到破坏的人,对象,或建设。

6。东西摧毁的遗体或解体。通常用复数 = 废墟。

例句 = They studied the ruins of ancient Greece.

WRECK = The act of wrecking or the state of being wrecked; destruction.

1。破坏或者被击毁的状态, 或是行为上的破坏。






例句 = the house was a wreck when they bought it。/ His ship was wrecked off the coast of Ireland. / The ship was wrecked on rocks in a storm; / My son has wrecked my car; / You have wrecked my plans.

DAMAGE = Harm or injury to property or a person, resulting in loss of value or the impairment of usefulness.

1。伤害或损害物体或人,造成价值的损失。例句 = this storm is certainly a damage for the worse。

2。Damages = 法令上受伤或损失的补偿/赔偿金。

3。(非正式)成本;价格。例句 = what's the damage?

4。造成损害 / 遭受或可能会受到损害的。例句 = She damaged the car when she hit the tree。

SPOIL = To impair the value or quality of. / To damage irreparably; ruin.

1。损害的价值或质量。造成不可弥补的损害;毁掉。 It is important not to let mistakes spoil your life.

2。损害的完整性,不完善的,或缺陷/悲伤:the fruit must be eaten before it spoils

3。伤害的性质,或态度,放纵,或过度赞美。疼惜/宠坏了的。He's a very spoilt child!

4。掠夺,掠夺。以武力夺取。渴望: He is spoiling for a fight。

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