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04-08 投稿

last for(lasts for中文翻译,lasts for是什么意思,lasts for发音、用法及例句)

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lasts for双语使用场景

1、Taylor suggests that in more than 50% of cases of acute H pylori infection, hypochlorhydria lasts for several weeks.───泰勒认为,50%以上的急性幽门螺杆菌感染中,胃酸过少会持续几个星期。

2、Each headache lasts for up to four hours and is often accompanied by a red eye, tears and a runny nose.───每次头痛可长达4小时,并伴有红眼、流泪和流涕等症状。

3、The speech lasts for seventy minutes.───演讲持续了七十分钟。

4、What seems to happen along the way is that you get a sort of whole-body orgasm and a glow that lasts for days.───在这个过程中,你得到一种全身心的快意,快乐的光环可持续几天不散。

5、If the interruption lasts for a few milliseconds, it is usually not noticeable to the human eye, ensuring operational continuity.───如果中断只持续几毫秒时间,那么这通常不会被肉眼所识别,这样运营持续性也仍然能够保证。

6、You only need a very small blob of glue, so one tube lasts for ages.───你仅需要很小一滴胶水,所以一管胶水能用很久。

7、It lasts for a week like a giant sand painting, and then it all fades away afterwards.───它会持续一个星期,像一个巨大的沙画,然后它都留下空缺。

8、If you said the meeting would last no longer than one hour, make sure the meeting lasts for only an hour.───如果你说了会议不会超过1小时,那就要保证会议只持续1小时。

9、Seepage into the sand and through the tile drains, although important in the total volume of water extracted, lasts for only a few days.───虽然渗漏进沙子并经过瓦片状排水层,对整个提取出的水的体积很重要,但是只能持续几天的时间。

lasts for相似词语短语

1、pass for───冒充,假扮;被认为

2、lusts for───贪求

3、lust for───贪求

4、as for───关于,至于

5、lusted for───贪求

6、ask for───请求,要求;寻找

7、falls for───迷恋;信以为真

8、asks for───请求,要求;寻找

9、calls for───要求;需要(callfor的第三人称单数形式)

the festival lasts for six weeks是什么意思


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