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calcium hydroxide中文翻译,calcium hydroxide是什么意思,calcium hydroxide发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

calcium hydroxide中文翻译,calcium hydroxide是什么意思,calcium hydroxide发音、用法及例句

1、calcium hydroxide

calcium hydroxide发音

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calcium hydroxide中文意思翻译




calcium hydroxide双语使用场景

1、Objective : To further investigate the effects of calcium hydroxide for apexification.───目的: 进一步探讨氢氧化钙在根尖诱导成形术中的效果.

2、AIM : To evaluate the clinical effect of a new light - curing calcium hydroxide ( VLC Calar ).───目的: 评价钙乐光固化氢氧化钙 ( VLC Calar ) 盖髓垫底的临床效果.

3、Heated with water decomposition of acetylene gas and calcium hydroxide, and the evolution of considerable heat.───遇水激烈分解产生乙炔气和氢氧化钙, 并放出大量的热.

4、METHODS: Capping the pulp with either MTA or Calcium hydroxide pulp had been exposed mechanically.───方法: 人工机械暴露犬牙髓,用MTA或氢氧化钙直接盖髓.

5、To evaluate the clinical effect of a new light - curing calcium hydroxide ( VLC Calar ).───目的:评价钙乐光固化氢氧化钙 ( VLCCalar ) 盖髓垫底的临床效果.

6、Hydrated Lime , Quicklime , Calcium Hydroxide, Calcium Oxide, Calcium Carbonate, Refractory Products Chemical Supplies.───采购产品使成水化合物石灰, 生石灰,消石灰, 氧化钙, 碳酸钙, 化学品.

7、It can use in the solution of calcium hydroxide for a long time.───可长期在氢氧化钙溶液中使用。

8、Water. Carbon dioxide . Sulphuric acid. Calcium hydroxide.───水. 二氧化碳.硫酸.氢氧化钙.

9、The reaction between calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide and aluminate solution with heavy soda was studied.───研究了氧化钙、氢氧化钙与浓碱铝酸钠溶液的反应特性.

10、Objective To investigate the effect of calcium hydroxide ( CH ) intracanal medicament against endodontic interappintment emergencies ( IAE ).───目的 探讨氢氧化钙 ( calciumhycroxide,CH ) 根管内封药对根管治疗期间急症 ( Endodonticinterapp-ointmentemergencies, IAE ) 的预防效果.

11、Objective To investigate the induction effects of calcium hydroxide complex paste in apexification.───目的探讨复方氢氧化钙糊剂在根尖诱导术中的临床效果.

12、Two different white powders are thought to be calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide.───两种白色粉末,已知一种是碳酸钙,另一种是氢氧化钙。

13、Water. Carbon dioxide . Sulphuric acid. Calcium hydroxide. Alpha. Beta.───水. 二氧化碳.硫酸.氢氧化钙. 阿尔法[α]. 贝塔[β].

14、Objective To compare the clinical curative effect of calcium hydroxide or FC in root canal disinfection.───目的比较氢氧化钙和甲酚甲醛(FC)用于根管消毒的临床疗效.

15、The citric acid in the broth solution is neutralized by calcium hydroxide, precipitating insoluble calcium citrate.───柠檬酸在肉汤的解决办法是中和氢氧化钙沉淀溶于柠檬酸钙.

16、Water. carbon dioxide. sulphuric acid. calcium hydroxide. alpha. beta.───水。二氧化碳。硫酸。氢氧化钙。阿尔法。贝塔。

calcium hydroxide相似词语短语

1、calcium hydrate───氢氧化钙

2、calcium oxide───[无化]氧化钙,生石灰

3、aluminum hydroxides───[无化]氢氧化铝

4、sodium hydroxide───n.[无化]氢氧化钠

5、barium hydroxides───[无化]氢氧化钡

6、barium hydroxide───[无化]氢氧化钡

7、aluminium hydroxide───[无化]氢氧化铝

8、aluminum hydroxide───[无化]氢氧化铝

9、calcium hydroxides───[无化]氢氧化钙;氢化钙



氢氧化钙(calcium hydroxide)是一种无机化合物,化学式为Ca(OH)₂,分子量74.10。俗称熟石灰(slaked lime)或消石灰(hydrate lime)。是一种白色六方晶系粉末状晶体。密度2.243g/cm³ 。580℃失水成CaO。氢氧化钙加入水后,分上下两层,上层水溶液称作澄清石灰水,下层悬浊液称作石灰乳或石灰浆。上层清液澄清石灰水可以检验二氧化碳,下层浑浊液体石灰乳是一种建筑材料。氢氧化钙是一种强碱,具有杀菌与防腐能力,对皮肤,织物有腐蚀作用。氢氧化钙用于制造漂白粉,硬水软化剂、消毒杀虫剂、制革用脱毛剂、砂糖精制及建筑材料等。

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