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camp up中文翻译,camp up是什么意思,camp up发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

camp up中文翻译,camp up是什么意思,camp up发音、用法及例句

camp up

camp up发音

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camp up中文意思翻译



camp up双语使用场景

1、The question of wage increases camp up at board meeting.───关于涨工资的问题在董事会上被提了出来.

2、I found out that the steps between the barracks had also been used for roll call, and as I looked from the bottom of the camp up towards the top, I filled them with rows of backs.───我发现营房之间的那些台阶是用来点名的,因为我从集中营的下面看到上面,饱览了后面一排排房子。

3、After two days' thought, I camp up with an idea to solve the problem.───两天的思索之后,我想出了一个主意来解决这个问题。

4、Baby had no sooner finished his feed than it all camp up.───婴儿一喂饱之后就会呕吐.

5、Indeed, the majority of proposals passed so far by the General Assembly here have not been about ideologies, but requests for funding, many related to keeping the physical camp up and running.───事实上,“全员大会”上通过的主要提案中,迄今为止没有一项是关于意识形态的,而是诸如资金来源等关系到组织顺利运作的事务。

6、They set their camp up in a clearing.───他们在一片空地上搭起帐篷.

camp up相似词语短语


2、came up───走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出

3、bump up───突然增加;提升

4、ramp up───倾斜升温(每单位时间之温度上升);产能提升;斜升

5、amp up───放大

6、camp out───野营


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