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out of phase(out phase中文翻译,out phase是什么意思,out phase发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

out of phase(out phase中文翻译,out phase是什么意思,out phase发音、用法及例句)

out phase

out phase发音

英:  美:

out phase中文意思翻译



out phase双语使用场景

1、grind-it-out phase, the three golden rules are focus, focus, and focus.───煎熬期的黄金法则有三条:专注,专注,还是专注。

2、During this, the astral body drifts free, slightly out phase with the physical body.───在这期间, 星体躯体自由飘浮, 稍稍在物质身体之上.

3、This victory would almost guarantee them a place in the knock - out phase.───这次胜利将几乎保证他们在 淘汰赛 阶段的一席之地.

4、The rounds are going to be very different from the knock - out phase.───淘汰赛 阶段将会大不相同.

5、now they have indeed failed to reach the last 16, the knock-out phase of the competition.───现在,他们真的未能进入淘汰赛阶段的16强比赛了。 与其说他们是遥远的佛罗伦萨一个点球的受害者,不如说是利物浦自身动荡的受害者。

6、Phase-average network is a type of network which can carry out phase average for several pulses having phase jitter and achieves a kind of special paise signal.───相位平均网络是一种能把多个有相位抖动的脉冲进行相位平均,得到一种特殊脉冲信号的网络。

out phase相似词语短语

1、colour phase───彩色相位

2、next phase───下一个阶段;下一回合


4、G1 phase───n.G1期(DNA合成前期)

5、in phase───同相地;协调地

6、out of phase───异相地;不协调地

7、growth phase───生长期;发育周期;生长相

8、noun phrase───[语]名词短语

9、S phase───s期;dna合成期


out-of-phase 英['aʊt'əvf'eɪz] 美['aʊt'əvf'eɪz]

[词典] 脱相,不同相,失相;

[例句]The anomalous water vapor transport in drought and flood years is not a simpleout-of-phase relation;


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