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account executive中文翻译,account executive是什么意思,account executive发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

account executive中文翻译,account executive是什么意思,account executive发音、用法及例句

account executive

account executive发音

英:  美:

account executive中文意思翻译



account executive双语使用场景

1、If you have any question, please contact your account executive.───如有任何垂询, 请联络阁下的客户主任.

2、Answering a classified for an account executive, Keith Davis dialed the toll free number listed.───凯斯·戴维斯拨了一则分类广告上提供的免费电话号码,应聘客户业务经理的职位.

3、Our account executive will get in touch with you after you are successfully registered.───我们的销售代表会在您成功注册后与您取得联系.

4、Other high-stress positions included senior corporate executive, advertising account executive, architect and stockbroker。───其他高压职业包括公司高管、广告客户经理、建筑师和证券经纪人。

5、He worked his way up from messenger boy to account executive.───他从送信员一步一步晋升为客户经理。

6、Do you have at least 1 year of experience as an Account Executive an Advertising Agency?───你是否有在广告公司担任客户执行1年以上的工作经验?

7、Each Account Executive carries a list of agencies that places television time for their Client Advertisers.───每个客户经理都服务一系列的代理公司,广告代理公司负责为他们的客户广告主安排电视广告时间.

8、She is as an account executive in Beijing for Hill & Knowlton, the public relations company.───她现在在北京的一家名为希尔 与 诺尔顿的公关公司担任会计主管.

9、Account Executive candidate for us is someone with the potential of being a good sales person.───对我们快速印刷集团来说,一位优秀的营销专员一定要有做优等营销人员的潜力.

10、If you have specially negotiated rates, contact your UPS account executive for a rate quote.───如果您有特别协商的费率,请联络您的UPS客户主管以获得费率报价。

account executive相似词语短语


2、chief executives───首席执行官;(美)美国总统;州长

3、chief executive───行政长官;董事长;美国总统;(美国的)州长


5、account executives───业务代表;客户执行人;客户主任

6、account receivable───【会计】应收账款





AE”原文Account Executive,国内称为“客户经理”或“业务经理”,有的干脆叫做 “业务员”。“AE”的职责是:对外,与客户进行谈判、联络、提案、收款等;对内,制定策略、 协调资源、分派工作、监督进程等。由此可知,一个真正的“AE”,并不象“拉业务”的业务员那 么简单。他要熟悉销售、市调、企划、设计、制作、媒体等方面的专业知识,也要有一定的人际关 系处理能力。

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