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鹌鹑蛋英语(quail eggs中文翻译,quail eggs是什么意思,quail eggs发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

鹌鹑蛋英语(quail eggs中文翻译,quail eggs是什么意思,quail eggs发音、用法及例句)

1、quail eggs

quail eggs发音

英:  美:

quail eggs中文意思翻译



quail eggs双语使用场景

1、Shrimp small wonton, quail eggs, refreshing melon, spicy bean skin, millet congee. Friday?───鲜虾小馄饨、鹌鹑蛋、爽口瓜条、五香油皮、小米粥。

2、Quail eggs nourishing than the role of eggs, but can also use the eggs.───鹌鹑蛋的滋补作用要强于鸡蛋,但也可以使用鸡蛋。

3、Shell hard- boiled quail eggs, add to the sweet tea and bring back to the boil. Serve.───鹌鹑蛋煲熟后去壳,放入八宝茶内翻滚,便成滋润甜品。

4、Put the steamed fish in a plate. Garnsh the fish with quail eggs and cherries.───把鱼拼在盘中,鱼身上加鹌鹑蛋和樱桃等。

5、Quail eggs with rich protein, B vitamins and vitamin A, E, etc. , egg yolk cholesterol in breast development is more useful.───鹌鹑蛋含有丰厚的蛋白质、B族维生素和维生素A、E等,蛋黄中的胆固醇对乳房发育更有益。

6、'The quail eggs are a perfect combination to sea urchin you see it in Japanese sushi all the time, ' says Mr. Orrico.───奥瑞克说,鹌鹑蛋和海胆是完美组合,这是日本寿司中的常见搭配。

7、meat and eggs: lamb, porcine brain, chicken, eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs, Century egg, pork and other loose.───肉和蛋:羊肉,猪脑,鸡肉,鸡蛋,鸭蛋,鹌鹑蛋,松花蛋,猪肉和其他松散。

8、As for quail eggs to prevent diarrhea, I heard.───至于鹌鹑蛋能防腹泻,我没听说过。

9、As for quail eggs can prevent diarrhea that never heard of it.───至于鹌鹑蛋可以防腹泻的说法没有听说过。

quail eggs相似词语短语


2、barn eggs───谷仓鸡蛋

3、sea eggs───n.海胆,海胆纲

4、bad eggs───坏蛋;不可信任的人



7、ant eggs───蚳




Chinese hot pot is a dish where you put various ingredients into a simmering pot and cook them while eating. This method of cooking allows diners to customize their own meal by choosing from different types of meat, seafood, vegetables, noodles, or other ingredients.

The broth used for hot pot can range from mildly flavored to very spicy, depending on personal preference. Some people enjoy it as an appetizer before a main course, while others find it satisfying enough to be a complete meal.

In addition to its delicious taste, hot pot also provides a social experience. Diners are encouraged to interact with each other while they wait for their food to finish cooking, which adds to the overall enjoyment of the meal.

白菜 chinese cabbage

空心菜 water spinach 美 ['spɪnɪtʃ]

油麦菜/生菜 lettuce 美 ['lɛtɪs] 

茼蒿 crown daisy 

菠菜 spinach

莲藕 lotus root

冬瓜 white gourd  

gourd(葫芦,葫芦科) 美 [ɡʊrd]

青笋 endive 美 ['ɛndaɪv] 

sprout 发芽 美 [spraʊt]  

soybean sprout 黄豆芽

豆腐 tofu

油豆皮 fried bean curd puff

面筋;麸质;谷蛋白 gluten 

黄瓜 cucumber  

西蓝花 broccoli 美 ['brɑkəli]

花菜 cauliflower 美 ['kɔlɪ'flaʊɚ] 

木耳 agaric 美 ['æɡərɪk]

海带 seaweed  

胡萝卜 carrot 

白萝卜 white radish 

土豆 potato  

山药 chinese yam 美 [jæm]  

玉米 corn  

青椒 green pepper

红辣椒 chilli 

香菇 shiitake mushroom 

野山菌 wild edible fungi

edible 可以食用的 美 ['ɛdəbl] 

fungi [ˈfʌŋˌgaɪ] 菌类

平菇 oyster mushroom

金针菇 needle mushroom



羊肉卷 sliced mutton

肥牛 beef

牛百叶 omasum

omasum 反刍动物的第三个胃 美 [o'mesəm]

牛蹄筋 beef tendons

tendon 肌腱 美 ['tɛndən]

毛肚 cattle stomach

鲜毛肚 Fresh tripes  

精品毛肚 special tripes

牛 cattle

脑花 brains

鸭血 duck blood curd

鸭肠 duck intenstine 美 [ɪn'tɛstɪn] 

鹅肠 gooze intestine  

精品鹅肠 special gooze intestine

鹌鹑蛋 quail eggs 美 [kwel]

鸡胸脯肉 chiken breast

麻辣牛肉 spicy beef

手工里脊丝 hand-sliced tenderloin

里脊 腰部嫩肉 tenderloin 

爽口嫩牛肉 tender beef

鱼头 fish head

鳝鱼片 eel 美 [il]slice

eel 鳝鱼 鳗鱼

墨鱼仔cuttlefish 或者baby squid [skwɪd]

cuttle n. 乌贼,墨鱼

蟹肉 crab

大虾 prawn 美 [prɔn]

小虾 shrimp 美 [ʃrɪmp]

龙虾 lobster 美 ['lɑbstɚ]

小龙虾 crawfish 美 ['krɔ'fɪʃ]

扇贝 scallop 美 ['skæləp]

鲍鱼 abalone 美 [,æbə'loni]

蛤 clam

牡蛎 oyster

总结来说,火锅在英语中可以被描述为a dish where you "put ingredients into a simmering pot and eat them while they're cooking," providing both a tasty meal and a fun way to spend time with friends and family.

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