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for fear of中文翻译,for fear of是什么意思,for fear of发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

for fear of中文翻译,for fear of是什么意思,for fear of发音、用法及例句

for fear of

for fear of发音

英:  美:

for fear of中文意思翻译




for fear of双语使用场景

1、I automatically halted my pen, for fear of scaring it away.───我手中的笔不觉停了,生怕惊跑它.

2、For fear of disturbing others she spoke with bated breath.───因为怕打扰别人,她低声说话.

3、Don't hide your sickness for fear of treatment.───绝不要讳疾忌医.

4、A lot of people won't go out at night for fear of being mugged.───因害怕遭到行凶抢劫,许多人在晚上不出门.

5、He left an hour early for fear of missing his train.───他提前一小时离开以免误了火车.

6、They did not want to give evidence for fear of reprisals.───他们因为害怕报复而不想作证。

7、We spoke quietly for fear of waking the guards.───我们悄悄说话,以免惊醒警卫。

8、It got so that Ming - feng was afraid to go anywhere for fear of hearing contemptuous remarks.───到处她都听见这一类的嘲骂的语句.

9、Close the windows for fear of rain.───关上窗户以防下雨.

10、He didn't want any further involvement for fear of retribution.───他担心受到惩罚,不想再牵涉其中。

11、People don't like to ask questions for fear of appearing ignorant.───人们不喜欢问问题,害怕自己会显得很无知。

12、report was held back for fear of prejudicing his trial.───因为担心会使他的审判带有偏见,该报告没有公开。

13、The report was held back for fear of prejudicing his trial.───因为担心会使他的审判有失公正,这篇报道被暂时压了下来。

14、He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection.───他因怕遭拒绝决定不再去找她.

15、He who tries to conceal his fault for fear of criticism will sink deeper and deeper in the quagmire of errors.───讳疾忌医的人,错误越陷越深.

16、When we passed his window, we stepped softly, for fear of disturbing.───我们从他窗前经过时, 放轻了脚步, 唯恐打扰他.

for fear of相似词语短语

1、to bear on───坚持

2、to bear off───抵挡

3、in fear of───怕;为…提心吊胆

4、for years───好几年

5、forward of───前进

6、for want of───因缺乏

7、not hear of───拒绝考虑

8、for fear that───生怕,唯恐;以免;以防万一

9、for dear life───拼命地,不顾死活地


fear n.害怕;忧虑。in fear 惊恐地。in fear of 为…提心吊胆。for fear of 唯恐。

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