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double spaced中文翻译,double spaced是什么意思,double spaced发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

double spaced中文翻译,double spaced是什么意思,double spaced发音、用法及例句

double spaced

double spaced发音

英:  美:

double spaced中文意思翻译



double spaced双语使用场景

1、8 pages, double spaced, 12 pt. font, one-inch margins.───8页,双倍行距,12磅。字体,一英寸的页边距。

2、When I was in creative writing workshops in college, all manuscripts had to be in double-spaced, Times New Roman font.───当年我在大学的创意写作班时,所有的手稿都必须是两倍行距和TimesNewRoman字体。

3、Papers should be a minimum of 8 (double spaced) pages in length.───论文应该有一个最低长度8页(双倍行距)。

4、The paper should be 12-15 pages (double-spaced) and is due at the beginning of class #7.───报告应在12-15页之间(二倍行距),缴交期限为第七堂课开始上课时。

5、Or how the name lists in the style sections are printed in five single-spaced columns, compared to the typical two double-spaced.───与两倍行距的样式相比,或者在五个单倍行距专栏列出名字更有风格。

6、Five short written papers (up to 6 pages double-spaced) are assigned throughout the semester -- roughly every two weeks.───整个学期会指定五篇短论文(不多于六页,双行距)——大概每两星期一份。

7、The memorandums should be typed and double-spaced. They should be written as if your were presenting it to your business colleagues.───报告必须使用二倍行距并印出,应像是你向公司同事讲解一样撰写。

8、date can either be placed double spaced down or to the right.───写信日期既可以写在随后空两行下面或者写在右边。

9、Your paper must be typewritten, double-spaced , and thoroughly edited for spelling and grammar.───作业格式须为打字、两倍行高、经过拼音与文法检查。

double spaced相似词语短语



3、double spacing───双倍行距

4、double space───n.两倍行距

5、doubled space───n.两倍行距

6、doubles space───n.两倍行距

7、double spread───跨页;双面涂胶

8、double spaces───n.两倍行距


word里什么叫double space12-font又是什么

double space=双倍行距


不知道LZ 在哪里,在国外的话,这个是比较标准的论文格式的

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