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kick in中文翻译,kick in是什么意思,kick in发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

kick in中文翻译,kick in是什么意思,kick in发音、用法及例句

1、kick in

kick in发音

英:  美:

kick in中文意思翻译


向里踢进去; 踢坏; <非正>缴付


kick in双语使用场景

1、We've been struggling for years and it's a real kick in the teeth to see a new band make it ahead of us.───我们一直奋斗了很多年,看到一个新乐队在我们之前成功,这对我们是个重大打击。

2、When you're confronted with the problem, emotions kick in, fear kicks in, and you don't always do the rational and thought-out approach.───当面临这个问题时,人会变得情绪激动、恐惧不安,你不一定总能采取理性且慎重的方法。

3、The boy gave him a kick in the shin.───那个男孩踢了一下他的棼骨.

4、We've been struggling for years and it's a real kick in the teeth to see a new band make it ahead of us.───我们奋斗了多年,看到一支新的乐队反而超越了我们,真让人大失所望。

5、Little Tom gave him a kick in the behind.───小汤姆在他屁股上踢了一脚.

6、This wine has a lot of kick in it.───这种酒很有劲儿.

7、Striker Abby Wambach gave her team a two to one lead with a header off Lauren Cheney's corner kick in the seventy-ninth minute.───在第79分钟里,前锋阿比·瓦姆巴赫(Abby Wambach)接队友劳伦·切尼(Lauren Cheney)开出的角球头球破门,为本队取得2:1领先。

8、This vodka has a lot of kick in it.───这伏特加酒很够劲儿.

9、The contract is a kick in the teeth for British workers.───对英国工人们来说,那合同令人讨厌.

10、Argentina was awarded a penalty kick in half ofgame. What a pity!───阿根廷队在下半场被判罚十二码, 真可惜!

11、Asking people to kick in a dollar or two is okay.───让同事出一两美元没问题.

12、We all agreed to kick in 10% of the cost.───我们都同意负担百分之十的费用.

13、You're saying some of them needed a kick in the pants.───你的意思是说有部分人需要外界的帮助才可以?

14、Reforms will kick in later this year.───改革将于今年下半年开始见效。

15、I've come to give a hand , but all I get is a kick in the pants.───我本意是来帮忙的.但是, 得到的却是意想不到的责备.

16、There is much kick in the wine.───这种酒的劲儿很足.

17、Mr. Jones said he would kick in with 500 dollars.───琼斯先生说他会缴付500美元.

18、That damn thief deserves a real kick in the ass.───这可恶的小偷真该挨揍!

kick in相似词语短语

1、kicked in───踢开;支付;开始生效;腿打水游进;死亡

2、buck in───奋力拼搏

3、jack in───停止;辞掉;放弃;破坏服务器安全的行为(黑客常用语)

4、kicks in───踢开;支付;开始生效;腿打水游进;死亡

5、;ick in───用砖填补;用砖围砌

6、kick up───v.踢起;引起;激起

7、kick on───跳出;打开;开始操作

8、kicks on───跳出;打开;开始操作

9、ink in───adj.上墨,用墨水在添画




My起动scootin婴孩驾驶我疯狂 西部的My成见-我的舞池日期

My圈地罗密欧,牛仔神从头到脚 做您矿的Want,更好在线得到


Foot kickin -手指clickin -皮革掴的-手clappin -熟悉内情的bumpin -音乐thumpin -

knee hitchin -脚跟和脚趾-地板scuffin -腿shufflin -大grinnin -身体spinnin - rompin

stompin - pumpin jumpin - slidin glidin -这里我们去

My起动scootin婴孩驾驶我疯狂 西部的My成见-我的舞池日期

My圈地罗密欧,牛仔神从头到脚 做您矿的Want,更好在线得到


Tush pushin -雷footin -扭转-没有resistin -鼓bangin -钢twangin的女牛仔-二

steppin -端到端-硬木crawlin -大约四wallin -地毯cuttin -牛仔struttin -

burnin yearin -绕研-让再开始舞蹈

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