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split into中文翻译,split into是什么意思,split into发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

split into中文翻译,split into是什么意思,split into发音、用法及例句

split into

split into发音

英:  美:

split into中文意思翻译




split into双语使用场景

1、Only Berlin itself, though split into west and east sectors , retained fourpower status.───只有柏林本身, 虽然也被分成东西两部分, 但仍然维持着四强共管的局面.

2、My working life is split into three main parts.───我的工作生活可以分成三个主要部分.

3、The last installment will be split into two movies.───故事的最后一部分将会拍成两部**。

4、Soon, we split into groups.───很快,我们分成小队追击西西拉。

5、Basically, as you can see, we're split into six line divisions.───你看, 我们银行大体上可分成六个业务部门.

6、At entry , this wave is split into components.───在入射点上, 该光波被分解为下列二分量.

7、The planes surrounding Earth are split into many vibrations.───围绕着地球的层面被分开进入许多振动.

8、Now if a great lake like Victoria were to dry up partially, it would be split into a number of separate, smaller lakes.───现在如果像维多利亚湖这样的大湖部分干涸,它就会被分成若干独立的小湖泊。

9、The hikers split into two parties.───那些徒步旅行者分成两伙.

10、All the teachers split into seven teaching research groups.───全体教师分成七个教(学)研(究)组.

11、The birds were split into four groups.───这些鸟一共被分成四组。

12、The compound can be split into its parts.───该化合物可分裂为诸元素.

13、An H 2 O atom can be split into hydrogen and oxygen.───水原子可分解为氢和氧.

14、Experts, including those in the consortium are split into two warring camps.───鸟类学专家们 —— 鸟类大脑命名法协会里的科学家——甚至分成了两个对立的阵营.

15、The mice were split into two groups.───这些老鼠被分为两组。

16、At the end of the bridge the expressway split into two roads.───这条高速公路在桥的尽头分成两条路.

17、These turbines can be broadly split into two basic types, the impulse and the reaction turbines.───这些汽轮机可大致分为两种基本类型, 即冲动式和反动式.

18、They have already split into two or more very distinctive races.───他们已经分成两个或更多的很不相同的种族.

split into相似词语短语

1、split wings───分裂的翅膀

2、lit into───痛打;反复打击

3、split rings───开口环

4、fit into───(使)适合,适应;符合;(使)合乎…的时间[空间],与…融为一体;纳入

5、split end───裂缝;边锋

6、let into───让…进入

7、plug into───把(电器)插头插入;接通

8、split ends───发梢分叉

9、split pin───n.[机]开口销


1.分成2.分裂为eg:Vienna was split into two camps. 维也纳分成了两个阵营。有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

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