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pass up中文翻译,pass up是什么意思,pass up发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

pass up中文翻译,pass up是什么意思,pass up发音、用法及例句

1、pass up

pass up发音

英:  美:

pass up中文意思翻译




pass up双语使用场景

1、Politicians are not about to pass up an opportunity this golden.───政治家们不会拒绝这个黄金机会.

2、The freedom and simple beauty is just too good to pass up.───自由和单纯的美太美好而匆匆流逝.

3、B: I'm full, but that sounds too good to pass up.───我饱了, 但是那似乎太棒了,让我无法拒绝.

4、Young people should never pass up the opportunity to go to university.───年轻人永远不应该放弃上大学的机会。

5、Never pass up new experiences, Scarlett.───思嘉,遇到新鲜事千万别放过.

6、Why did you pass up the opportunity to go to university?───你为什么放过这次上大学的机会.

7、Never pass up a good chance to improve your English.───千万不要错过提高英语水平的好机会.

8、This is a chance you can't pass up.───这个机会你绝对不可错过.

9、Why did he pass up the opportunity of visiting the factory?───他为何放过了去工厂参观的机会?

10、You can't afford to pass up too many openings like that.───你不可以像这样放弃太多的就业机会.

11、Don't pass up this chance to win a million dollars.───不要放过这赢取一百万元的机会.

12、I sensed a documentary opportunity too good to pass up.───我感觉这是一次很好的拍摄机会.

13、Would you find it hard to pass up meat, and live on a vegetarian diet?───不吃肉而以素食为生,你感到很难做到 吗 ?

14、A young boa constrictor bides its time on another bloom; the snake cares little for Ochroma nectar but wouldn't pass up a meal of hummingbird.───一只小蟒蛇在另一朵花上等待时机;蛇对蜜汁不感兴趣,但不愿放弃一顿蜂鸟餐。

15、Tanya's invitation seemed too enticing to pass up.───坦妮亚这一邀请看来是如此之诱人,可不能失之交臂.

16、Pass up the paint pot and brush.───把油漆罐和刷子递上来.

17、The official urged the government not to pass up the opportunity that has now presented itself.───那位官员敦促政府不要放弃目前摆在他们面前的机会。

18、Just the same , Tanya's invitation seemed too enticing to pass up.───不管怎样,坦妮亚的这一邀请看来是如此之诱人,可不能失之交臂.

pass up相似词语短语

1、passes up───拒绝;把…向上递

2、pals up───结成友好

3、pays up───全部付清

4、eases up───放松

5、grass up───v.告发,揭发

6、passed up───拒绝;把…向上递

7、pass out───昏倒,失去知觉;分发

8、casts up───呕吐;加在一起

9、class up───向上分类



①pass by


②pass out:昏倒,失去知觉

③pass over:对……不加考虑

④pass away 去世

⑤pass on 传递,向前

⑥pass up放过,放弃

⑦pass of (as) 充坐,被看作,被当作

⑧have a passion for ...对。。有强烈爱好,酷爱


passive adj. 被动的,消极的;冷淡的


I hailed a passing taxi.


I think I'll pass,thanks!

这个我不要,谢谢! 表示一种否定,不想要

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