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young girls中文翻译,young girls是什么意思,young girls发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

young girls中文翻译,young girls是什么意思,young girls发音、用法及例句

young girls

young girls发音

英:  美:

young girls中文意思翻译



young girls双语使用场景

1、We could do with a little more of that over here. Might discourage some of the gangs grooming young girls!───我们可以在英国多做一点这样的见义勇为。也许会阻止一些家伙侵犯年轻女孩!

2、Then bells sounded in the large white building, and a number of young girls came into the garden.───钟声从那幢雄伟的白色建筑物中响起来了,有许多年轻女子穿过花园走出来。

3、After I graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy, for two years the only roles I played were shallow young girls with a beautiful face.───从上海戏剧学院毕业后,在最初两年里我只扮演了一些拥有漂亮外表的肤浅的女人。

4、One of the young girls saw the prince. She was afraid, for she thought the prince was dead. She ran back to call her sisters.───有个年轻的姑娘看见了王子,以为他已经死了,害怕起来,就跑回去叫她的姐妹们。

5、Yet at the same time they remain young girls, trying to grow up in a harsh glare of unprecedented publicity.───但与此同时,她们还是年轻的女孩,试图在前所未有的公众关注下成长。

6、we ought to teach our young girls to have self respect here. there is a good bunch of them who do not know the meaning of the word.───我们应该教育我们的年轻女孩要有自尊。她们当中有很多人不知道这个词的含义。

young girls相似词语短语

1、funny girls───妙女郎(**名)

2、young things───青年人;年轻女郎

3、bunny girls───兔装女郎

4、bus girls───餐厅侍者女助手

5、young guns───青年才俊

6、cover girls───封面女郎

7、working girls───打工妹

8、young adults───青壮年

9、young Turks───青年土耳其党;少壮派



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