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be based in中文翻译,be based in是什么意思,be based in发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

be based in中文翻译,be based in是什么意思,be based in发音、用法及例句

be based in

be based in发音

英:  美:

be based in中文意思翻译



be based in双语使用场景

1、The telescope will be based in either Australia or South Africa.───这些望远镜将设在澳洲或南非。

2、Even better, supervision for this kind of business can be based in China.───更有利的是,此类业务的监管可以放在中国。

3、In the past, engineering consultants always preferred to be based in town centres.───在过去, 工程顾问公司一直倾向于将设在镇中心.

4、It will be based in Los Angeles and will reach 70 million American homes.───这个频道将在洛杉矶制作,并计划有7000万美国家庭用户。

5、However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.───不过, 这种干系将奠基于新的能量,不再与业力有所牵连.

be based in相似词语短语

1、model based on───模型基于

2、phased in───逐步采用;分阶段引入

3、sealed in───密封的;焊死的

4、baked in───自营销

5、be used to───习惯于

6、be damned if───如果

7、to bash in───猛击

8、bedded in───磨合;嵌入

9、bashed in───打坏



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