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instant message(instant messaging中文翻译,instant messaging是什么意思,instant messaging发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

instant message(instant messaging中文翻译,instant messaging是什么意思,instant messaging发音、用法及例句)

instant messaging

instant messaging发音

英:[ˌɪnstənt ˈmesɪdʒɪŋ]  美:[ˌɪnstənt ˈmesɪdʒɪŋ]

英:  美:

instant messaging中文意思翻译




instant messaging双语使用场景

1、As anexample, an Instant Messaging application makes sense only while connected.───例如, 一个应用程序提供一个实时股票报价,那么旧的数据将没有意义.

2、This time, instant messaging was more common, and they started doing that right away.───这次, 即时邮件开始流行, 他们开始以这种方式保持联系.

3、Support Common Instant messaging ( IM ) Program e . g . ICQ, MSN with simple setting.───透过简单设定,可支援ICQ, MSN等即时通讯软件.

4、P 2 P Instant Messaging based on IPv 4 and IPv 6.───IPv4和IPv6下的P2P即时通信.

5、Chinese go online to communicate: via instant messaging, BBS forums, emails or interacting in virtual worlds.───中国网民在线交流: 通过即时消息, BBS论坛, 电子邮件或其他虚拟世界的互动方式.

6、Any teenager worth his or her salt is addicted to instant messaging.───青少年把他们的兴趣沉溺在即时消息(instantmessaging)上面.

7、For purposes of covering this instant messaging technique in an article format, we scaled down the awareness version that our company uses.───为了以文章格式涵盖此即时消息传递技术,我们缩小了公司使用的感知版本。

8、During the latest performance time, restaurant, gift shop, special offers and other Instant Messaging.───在行程中获得最新的节目表演时间, 餐厅 、 礼品店特别优惠等即时消息.

9、Email and instant messaging changed all that.───电邮和即时短信把这一切都改变了。

10、The kids, he says, were downloading music, playing games, instant messaging one another, you name it.───他说, 那些孩子正在下载音乐, 玩游戏, 相互发送即时信息, 无奇不有.

11、Connecting to and browsing the internet and communicating over the internet using email and instant messaging.───连接和浏览国际互联网,通过互联网发送电子邮件和进行即时交流.

12、But sir, many employees use Instant Messaging to communicate with their clients.───可是老板, 很多员工都用即时通信系统与客户联系.

13、Already, revenue growth from instant messaging lagged new account additions.───其及时通讯服务的收入增长已落后于新开户数.

14、Remote surgery needs more than 10 megabits a second . The same goes for video instant messaging.───远程手术和视频即时通讯需要每秒大于10MB的速度.

15、Instant Messaging Enables users to exchange instant messages from mobile devices.───即时消息使用户能够从移动设备上交换即时消息.

16、Instant messaging and chat rooms have basically a level playing field for deaf people.───即时通讯和聊天室基本上为聋哑人士提供了更大的一片游乐场.

17、you addicted to instant messaging?───您痴迷于即时消息?

18、LAN instant messaging has client and server implementation the basic functions of chatting!───局域网即时通信,已实现客户端和服务器聊天基本功能!

19、Instant messaging really picked up, and soon " everyone was doing it. "───网上聊天真是越来越普遍, 很快, “ 人人都在这样做 ” 了.

20、But many continue surreptitiously trading and sharing tips through emails, instant messaging and texts.───但仍有许多人偷偷交易,并通过电子邮件和短信息传播小道消息.

instant messaging相似词语短语

1、instant message───实时讯息;即时传讯

2、defiant message───挑衅的信息

3、instant dislike───瞬间厌恶

4、instant messages───实时讯息;即时传讯

5、text messaging───手机短消息发送



8、picture messaging───图片信息;图片短信

9、important message───重要信息





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