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be pride of中文翻译,be pride of是什么意思,be pride of发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

be pride of中文翻译,be pride of是什么意思,be pride of发音、用法及例句

be pride of

be pride of发音

英:  美:

be pride of中文意思翻译



be pride of双语使用场景

1、On the whole, you should be pride of your improvement in English. And I'm glad to assist you in getting this job opportunity.───总的说来,你应该为你自己英文的进步而骄傲。我希望我能帮你得到这个工作机会。

2、We are proud of the achievement of today, should even be pride of brilliancy tomorrow of the company.───我们为今天的成就而自豪,更应该为明天的辉煌而骄傲。

3、I think it must be the field-mice," replied the Mole, with a touch of pride in his manner.───我想一定是田鼠们来了,”莫尔回答说,脸上带着一丝骄傲。

4、On the whole, you should be pride of your improvement in English.───总的说来,你应该为你自己英文的进步而骄傲。

be pride of相似词语短语

1、by virtue of───由于,凭借

2、take pride in───v.以…为傲

3、huge pile of───一大堆

4、be rid of───摆脱

5、be wide open───敞开心扉

6、be made one───合而为一

7、be pie on───吃馅饼

8、be browned off───被晒黑

9、be in awe of───对···望而生畏

the pride of 和 be proud of 有什么区别

the pride of ...的骄傲(名词词组)

例句:He is undoubtedly the pride of China.


be proud of 自豪,高兴;以……而骄傲(动词词组)

例句:We all have much to be proud of.


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