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call into question(calls into question中文翻译,calls into question是什么意思,calls into question发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

call into question(calls into question中文翻译,calls into question是什么意思,calls into question发音、用法及例句)

calls into question

calls into question发音

英:  美:

calls into question中文意思翻译



calls into question双语使用场景

1、The breaking of even a single law calls into question the authority of law as such.───违反一条法律,即足够让法律的权威产生质疑。

2、Dongya's artifice offsets the violence of his narratives and calls into question the implications of a contemporary virtual reality.───练东亚作品中卡通化的假人抵消了暴力的元素,同时质疑了当代虚拟现实的含义。

3、It calls into question the moral explanation that crime is done by "bad people".───这一思想对于——犯罪是由“坏人”干的这一道德解释表示怀疑。

4、The demise of the program "calls into question the commitment to obesity prevention within government, " the panel concluded.───专家组总结说,这一计划的终止“让人们开始拷问政府在防治肥胖症中所承担的义务”。

5、Ironically, studying the formation of brown dwarfs calls into question the very definition of these objects.───讽刺的是,研究棕矮星的形成恰好对这些物体的定义提出疑问。

6、In political times like today, the last thing we need is something that inaccurately calls into question the integrity of elections.───在如今的政治时代,我们最不需要的就是由于不当而导致的对选举公正性的质疑。

7、The number of women speaking out in France post-scandal calls into question this easy embrace of relativism.───在法国丑闻事件之后谈论着的女性数量显示出了对轻易接受相对主义的质疑。

8、'It calls into question the short-term focus on fiscal policy and the wisdom of achieving fiscal targets at specific times, ' he said.───他说,短期内以财政政策为重点的做法以及在特定的时间达成财政目标是否合理引发质疑。

9、The discovery in China of what amounts to a miniature prototype of Tyrannosaurus rex calls into question theories about the dinosaur's evolution.───在中国发现的相当于小型雷克斯霸王龙原型的东西,对有关恐龙进化的理论提出了质疑。

calls into question相似词语短语

1、call in question───对…表示怀疑;提出异议

2、call an election───召集选举

3、into question───有疑问

4、tagging question───附加疑问句;反意疑问句

5、leading question───对答案有诱导性的提问

6、call into question───对…表示怀疑

7、call into being───使形成,使产生;创造,成立

8、following question───下一个问题

9、basic question───根本问题;基本问题;基础问题

it calls into question怎么翻译


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