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the importance of(the important of中文翻译,the important of是什么意思,the important of发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

the importance of(the important of中文翻译,the important of是什么意思,the important of发音、用法及例句)

1、the important of

the important of发音

英:  美:

the important of中文意思翻译



the important of双语使用场景

1、He stressed the important of a shift from mainframe to personal health care.───他强调由主体要求向个人健康护理转变的重要。

2、Only then did I understand the important of education.───直到那时我才明白了教育的重要性。

3、The crystal ZnSe is always the hotspot of II-VI group study, it is no doubt that the important of crystal ZnSe in laser and infrared field.───ZnSe晶体材料一直是II-VI族化合物研究的热点,其在激光红外等光电子技术领域的重要性是无可争议的。

4、Watching TV is one of the important of getting information .───看电视是获取信息最重要的方法之一。

5、Because of the important of the land, the article analysis and evaluates Huangshi's land use with the ecological footprint methods.───基于土地可持续利用的重要性,本文采用生态足迹方法对黄石市土地可持续利用进行了分析与评价。

6、On this essay, the need of consumption, leisure and job are talked over for lay stress on the important of leading needs.───文章从消费需要、闲暇需要和工作需要三个方面探讨了引导人的需要对于人的幸福的重要性。

7、Our government must use mass media to emphasize the important of a clean environment and the harm of polluted environment.───我们的政府要通过大众媒体强调营造清洁环境的重要性以及一个受污染的环境的危害性。

8、Let me once again to know the meaning of life, recognize the important of health, the of value of struggle of life.───让我又重新认识了生活的意义,认识了健康的重要,认识了人生奋斗的价值!

9、The important of barium meal examination of gastrointestinal for differentiation of stomach tumor were emphasized.───同时作者还强调本病青年女性多见,胃肠钡餐检查对鉴别胃源性肿块也很重要。

the important of相似词语短语


2、place importance on───重视;强调;注重;把重点放在……上;关注

3、affirm the importance of───肯定

4、stress the importance of───强调......的重要性

5、realize the importance of───认识到

6、important job───重要工作

7、diminish the importance of───降低…的重要性

2、急需“The important of time ”英语作文,快快,谢了

From humanity's earliest days we've kept a close eye on time. The way we recorded its passage revealed what was important to us: To stay on schedule for planting and harvesting, the ancients tracked the seasons; for rituals and divination, they kept watch on the movements of the stars and planets; clocks allowed sailors to calculate longitude as they explored the world. Today, ubiquitous, accurate and synchronized, clocks keep civilization aligned.

The world’s highest-tech clocks, advanced atomic clocks are now so accurate they vary less than the orbit of the Earth. At the lab responsible for keeping official time in America, the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado, moving an atomic clock from one floor to another can require recalibration to correct for the relativistic effects of a change in altitude. The greater the pull of gravity, the slower a clock runs.

We weren't always such obsessive second-splicers. Hours were standardized only a few hundred years ago. Before that, sundials marked 12 hours of day and 12 of night, year-round: A daylight hour expanded in length in summer and contracted in winter.

Time-keeping devices like Stonehenge, the Aztec calendar, and the Antikythera Mechanism were more about keeping people on time for seasonal and celestial appointments, not daily ones. Now, an entirely new type of clock is being built in west Texas. Designed to last 10,000 years, it trumps all other clocks in its long-term view. To remind us of its roots, we've gathered some of the most important time-keeping devices throughout the ages.

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