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swan lake中文翻译,swan lake是什么意思,swan lake发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

swan lake中文翻译,swan lake是什么意思,swan lake发音、用法及例句

swan lake

swan lake发音

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swan lake中文意思翻译


[地名] [加拿大、美国] 斯旺莱克; [**]天鹅湖

swan lake双语使用场景

1、Swan Lake is honored as one of the classic ballets.───《天鹅湖》被奉为芭蕾舞剧的经典.

2、Swan Lake might be a good choice.───天鹅湖是个不错的选择.

3、I want to reserve two tickets for the Swan Lake for tomorrow evening.───我想订两张明天晚上《天鹅湖》的票.

4、He was famous for writing the music for the ballet Swan Lake in 1876.───他因1876年为芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》谱写了音乐而闻名。

5、Tchaikovsky wrote several famous ballets. One of them is Swan Lake.───柴柯夫斯基写过好几部著名的芭蕾舞曲, 其中之一是《天鹅湖》.

6、Tchaikovsky Ballets the " Nutcracker " and'swan Lake "───柴可夫斯基:《胡桃钳 》 、《天鹅湖 》 选曲.

7、I'd like to book two seats Swan Lake on Tuesday evening.───我想买两张星期二晚上《天鹅湖》的票子.

8、There we'd find a rowboat that we could take to yet another trail, which would eventually lead us to Swan Lake.───在那里我们可以找到一条小船,划船到另外一条小道,最后可以到达天鹅湖。

9、Tchaikovsky writes several famous ballets. One of them be swan lake.───柴可夫斯基写过几部著名芭蕾舞曲. 其中之一是《天鹅湖》.

10、One of the most beloved ballets is Swan Lake.───最为人们喜爱的芭蕾舞剧是“天鹅湖”.

11、I'd like to book two seats for Swan Lake on Saturday evening.───我想买两张星期六晚上《天鹅湖》的票了.

12、Swan Lake is the name of a famous ballet.───天鹅湖是一出著名的芭蕾舞剧.

13、Swan Lake is one of the famous classical ballets.───天鹅湖是著名的古典芭蕾曲目之一.

14、'Swan Lake' is one of the great classical ballets.───天鹅湖》是一部伟大的古典芭蕾舞剧。

15、Swan Lake is her most frequently performed ballet.───《天鹅湖》是她最常演的芭蕾舞剧目.

16、Grassland between the mysterious beauty are stunning Swan Lake.───草原中间是神秘美丽惊艳的天鹅湖.

17、Anne: How about dropping by Swan Lake for a swim?───安妮: 到天鹅湖游一下泳 怎么样 ?

18、It'd be fun if we could drop by Swan Lake for a swim.───要是我们能去天鹅湖游一下泳,那可就太有意思了.

swan lake相似词语短语

1、Swan Lake───天鹅湖(芭蕾舞剧名)


3、swan maiden───天鹅少女

4、swash plate───防波板;[机]旋转斜盘(等于swashplate)

5、soda lakes───[水文]碱湖

6、salt lake───盐湖,盐水湖

7、swan dive───n.燕式跳水

8、salt lakes───盐湖,盐水湖

9、soda lake───[水文]碱湖


孤单芭蕾的原版名字是《Swan Lake》,中文译名为《天鹅湖》。这是一部著名的古典芭蕾舞剧,由俄国作曲家柴可夫斯基创作,于1876年首次演出。该舞剧的经典音乐和精彩表演,深受观众和舞蹈爱好者的喜爱和赞誉。

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