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捕捉英语(be caught中文翻译,be caught是什么意思,be caught发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

捕捉英语(be caught中文翻译,be caught是什么意思,be caught发音、用法及例句)

be caught

be caught发音

英:  美:

be caught中文意思翻译


遇到,陷入; 落网

be caught双语使用场景

1、to be caught in a spider's web of confusion───陷入混乱不堪的局面

2、I wouldn't be caught dead in such an old-fashioned place.───我绝对不会去那样老土的地方。

3、Whoever did this will sooner or later be caught and will be punished.───不管是谁干的这事,早晚要被抓住并受到惩罚。

4、Sooner or later she would be caught by the police.───迟早她会被警方抓住的。

5、Whoever did this will sooner or later be caught and will be punished.───无论是谁干的,迟早都会被抓住并被惩罚。

6、With very large organisms that are now relatively sluggish, animal food cannot be caught.───体型大的生物由于行动慢, 不可能猎取到动物性食物.

7、He did not like to be caught out on details.───他不喜欢在细节上被人抓住把柄。

8、The thief must be caught at all costs.───无论如何也要抓住这个盗贼.

9、He wouldn't be caught dead going to a club with his mother.───他死也不愿意跟母亲一起去俱乐部。

10、Sooner or later she would be caught by the police.───她迟早会被警方逮住的。

11、I will not be caught again.───我不会再给捉住了.

12、They'll always be caught in the middle.───他们随时都有遭受左右夹攻的危险.

13、An old bird is not to be caught with chaff.───谷壳捉不到老鸟.

14、Be quick or we'll be caught in a shower.───快点,否则就会淋雨了.

15、She was determined not to be caught up in the turmoils of home again.───她又下了决心避免再一次被卷进家里的纷争.

16、The thief is certain to be caught in time.───小偷迟早会被抓到的.

17、Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.───有经验的人不易受骗上当.

18、Doesn't it turn you on, knowing we could be caught at any moment?───这能不让你兴奋 吗 ?知道自己随时会被发现.

be caught相似词语短语





5、be cast───被铸造



be caught后面接什么?

1.Whoever did this will sooner or later be caught and will be punished.不管是谁干的这事,早晚要被抓住并受到惩罚。

2.He wouldn't be caught dead going to a club with his mother.他死也不愿意跟母亲一起去俱乐部。

3.He did not like to be caught out on details他不喜欢在细节上被人抓住把柄。

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