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giving out中文翻译,giving out是什么意思,giving out发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

giving out中文翻译,giving out是什么意思,giving out发音、用法及例句

1、giving out

giving out发音

英:  美:

giving out中文意思翻译



giving out双语使用场景

1、Unfortunately, it's also an unpleasant reminder of just how much data you're giving out to Google.───不幸的是,这也是一个不愉快的提醒,让你看看你给了Google多少数据。

2、If I were giving out grades for the study of management, I'd give it a D for attainment, though an A for effort.───如果要我给管理学研究打分的话,我会给“达到程度”打D,不过,在“努力程度”上可以打A。

3、Giving out the questions before the test?───考试前就泄露考题?

4、The box is for us to start saving money for the Christmas and giving out to the children that really need them.───主要是要让我们去开始为著这些在非洲贫困和有需要的孩子们来储蓄。

5、There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.───有人在入口处分发传单。

6、The whole atmosphere is one of peace, and all Beings that you meet can be clearly felt as giving out the love vibration.───空气中都是弥漫着“和平”的味道,所有的存在,你所遇到的都是给予你爱的振动的感觉。

7、It has not been easy to guide you to the truth about us, as your sources of information have clouded the issue by giving out disinformation.───引导你们认识真实的我们并不容易,因为你们得到的信息中经常被混入不正确的。

8、The radio is giving out a strange signal.───收音机正发出一种奇怪的信号。

9、The powerful energies you are giving out are your assurance that the dark Ones will have no option but to give up their plan.───你们在散发出充满力量的能量,这些都是对你们的保证,以至于黑暗势力除了放弃他们的计划别无他法。

giving out相似词语短语

1、living out───住在外面;活过(某一段时间);实践,实现

2、giving up───放弃;淹没

3、going out───外出;交往

4、having out───讨论或争论得出结论,邀请出去

5、driving out───驱赶;开车外出

6、giving onto───v.朝向

7、dining out───外出就餐

8、given out───分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭

9、giving off───发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)


give out:分发,发出(气味、热等),发表,用尽,精疲力竭;

hand out:把...拿出来,分发,施舍。

捐款捐物一般用give out; 派发作业或传单一般用hand out ;物为主语时一定要用give out。 扩展资料 

We handed out gifts of food and clothing to the survivors of the flood.


The radio is giving out a strange signal.


All machines give out eventually.


One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes.


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