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intellectual property rights中文翻译,intellectual property rights是什么意思,intellectual property rights发音、用法

04-06 投稿

intellectual property rights中文翻译,intellectual property rights是什么意思,intellectual property rights发音、用法及例句

1、intellectual property rights

intellectual property rights发音

英:  美:

intellectual property rights中文意思翻译



intellectual property rights双语使用场景

1、He said the U. S. wanted to make progress on protecting intellectual-property rights for firms operating in or exporting to China.───他说美方希望进一步保护在华经营或对华出口的美资企业的知识产权。

2、Nonetheless, he said, "So far, China has not lived up to its responsibility to effectively enforce intellectual property rights. "───他说,尽管如此,“中国迄今未能履行其有效实施知识产权保护的责任。”

3、A week earlier it had been sued by Apple in a California federal court for violating a broad range of Apple's intellectual property rights.───一周前,苹果在加州联邦法院起诉三星,称其侵犯了自己一系列知识产权。

4、Are the U. S. government and business community right to be worried about threats to free trade and intellectual property rights?───而美国的政界商界会为此在自由贸易与知识产权的问题上感到威胁吗?

5、How do you protect intellectual property rights?───怎样保护知识产权?

6、"Nothing you can do, " she said, trying not to chortle at the thought of my flying to Tehran to enforce my intellectual property rights.───“你什么都做不了,”她说道。对于我想飞到德黑兰强制对方保护我知识产权的想法,她强忍住没有笑出声来。

7、protection of intellectual property rights has been a hot topic in the past few years.───近年来,保护知识产权一直是一个热门话题。

8、Do you know the intellectual property rights?───你知道什么是知识产权吗?

9、It has always been the point at issue on how to protect the intellectual property rights of the traditional knowledge.───传统知识的知识产权保护一直是争议的焦点问题。

intellectual property rights相似词语短语

1、intellectual capacity───智力

2、intellectual energy───智力能量

3、intellectual properties───知识产权

4、intellectual exercise───智力锻炼

5、intellectual ferment───智力发酵

6、intellectual rigour───智力上的严谨

7、intellectual ability───智能

8、intellectual curiosity───求知欲

9、intellectual property───[专利]知识产权;著作权



1. 首先,trips协议是世界贸易组织(WTO)的一个重要协议,旨在确保知识产权在国际贸易中的保护和应用。


2. trips协议为各成员国制定了一系列规则和标准,包括知识产权的保护期限、专利授权的程序、侵权行为的惩罚等。


3. trips协议还规定了贫困发展中国家的特殊权益,鼓励其在知识产权保护方面采取必要的措施,以促进经济发展和技术进步。

4. trips协议也为知识产权争端解决提供了一个国际机制,成员国可以通过WTO争端解决机构,对违反协议规定的行为提起诉讼。


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