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raw meat中文翻译,raw meat是什么意思,raw meat发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

raw meat中文翻译,raw meat是什么意思,raw meat发音、用法及例句

raw meat

raw meat发音

英:  美:

raw meat中文意思翻译




raw meat双语使用场景

1、Any harmful bacteria present in the raw meat juices could contaminate safely cooked food.───生食中任何有害的细菌都会通过汁液污染熟食的.

2、Use separate dishes, cutting boards and utensils for preparing raw meat, fish or poultry.───使用单独的盘子 、 砧板和厨房用具烹饪生肉 、 鱼肉和禽类.

3、meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.───生肉和熟肉必须分开存放。

4、The import of raw meat is strictly prohibited.───生肉类是严禁进口的.

5、Preparing food, especially raw meat or poultry───准备食物,特别是生肉或家禽

6、These creatures could incorporate raw meat in their diet and process food more efficiently.───这些动物能够在其食物中加上生肉,能更有效地对食物加工.

7、Ten thousand years ago, human beings ate much more raw meat than we do now.───一万年前, 人类所吃的肉要比我们现在吃的生多了.

8、When you do the sums, he argues, raw meat is still insufficient to bridge the gap.───他认为生的肉类并不足以提供从类猿进化至直立人的物质条件.

9、Cats acquire toxoplasmosis from eating contaminated raw meat, birds, mice, or soil.───猫咪感染弓形虫病,是通过接触被污染的食物,比如生肉 、 鸟类 、 老鼠, 或者泥土.

10、Feed the animals by hanging a of raw meat on a length of thread.───把生肉吊在一根绳子上给那些动物吃.

11、Wash and disinfect all surfaces and utensils that have been in contact with the raw meat.───洗消所有与生肉接触过的表面和炊具.

12、Carefully wash your hands and all utensils after preparing raw meat, poultry, seafood, fruits, or vegetables.───准备过肉品 、 禽肉 、 海鲜 、 水果 、 蔬菜后,要把手和所用的器具仔细地洗干净.

13、Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.───生肉和熟肉必须分开存放。

14、Going to the butcher and seeing all that raw meat makes me lose my appetite.───在屠宰店看到的那些生肉使我毫无胃口.

15、Clean the pork and scald in hot water to remove the fats and raw meat taste.───制法:1.将猪?获~净后用热水烫过以除去肥脂和腥味.

16、Why do lions eat raw meat?───狮子为什么吃生肉?

17、The father gave the boy some raw meat.───父亲给男孩一些生的肉。

raw meat相似词语短语

1、stew meat───炖肉

2、crab meats───蟹肉;灌装冻蟹肉,冻蟹肉

3、easy meat───易辨的事;容易吃亏上当的人

4、dark meat───含血肉,深色肉;黑肉(指禽类的腿等部分烧不白的肉)

5、red meats───未煮前颜色是红色的肉类(尤指牛、羊肉)(redmeat的名词复数)

6、crab meat───蟹肉;灌装冻蟹肉,冻蟹肉

7、draw gear───牵引装置;[车辆]车钩

8、dead meat───致命肉食

9、red meat───红色肉类(牛肉,羊肉等)



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