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pigs in the river中文翻译,pigs in the river是什么意思,pigs in the river发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

pigs in the river中文翻译,pigs in the river是什么意思,pigs in the river发音、用法及例句

pigs in the river

pigs in the river发音

英:  美:

pigs in the river中文意思翻译



pigs in the river双语使用场景

1、The work of fishing out the dead pigs in the river was "basically finished" , the government said in a statement released on Sunday.───上海市政府在周日发表声明称,打捞死猪的工作“基本完成”。

2、Pigs had been pointed as a possible cause, after thousands of dead pigs were floated down theHuangpu River after dying in farms in the Yangtze River Delta region.───三角地区的农场上千头猪死亡后被抛入江中,沿着黄浦江漂浮,有人指出死猪可能是引起禽流感的原因。

pigs in the river相似词语短语

1、head of the rivers───河流的源头

2、pig in the middles───中间的猪

3、sell down the river───沿河出售

4、piggy in the middles───n.过顶传球;左右为难的人

5、piggy in the middle───n.过顶传球;左右为难的人

6、head of the river───河头

7、puss in the corners───抢位置游戏

8、puss in the corner───抢位置游戏

9、pig in the middle───中间的猪




1、His car careered into a river. 他的车猛地冲进了河里。

2、The river was alive with birds. 这条河流周围满是各种鸟类。

3、The river overflowed its banks. 河水涨出了堤岸。

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